WEEKLY TASK Global water and food issues WAT-E1011; Autumn 2017 https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=18412
Global week Lectures & discussion Group work on Weekly task Lecture & hands-on exercise of statistics Individual studying & workshop
Schedule for today Wrap up of yesterday Motivation for tomorrow Introduction to Weekly task SWOT analysis Facilitated group work Lunch Work in groups
Wrap up of yesterday 5 minutes Discuss in pairs/small groups What is sustainability for you? Ways towards more sustainable use of resources? 5 minutes
SGT + W&D courses Most of 2courses’ thematic weeks are related to four ‘study paths’ of WAT advanced courses Hence, helping you to plan you advanced studies This week links to ‘water & development’ path Two SGT-courses You can apply to both of them; Studio course has a pretty strict quota WAT students don’t need to take ‘State of the World and Development’ course in Period I: this week replaces it Two water & development courses Very different but complementary views on water and development Based on our research: www.wdrg.fi
SGT + W&D courses
WAT-E1030 this week: statistics of population and development On Thu & Fri you’ll be exploring population and development issues with various statistical tests To get you inspired of the issue, there is a great TED talk (10 min) about the topic: https://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_globa l_population_growth
Weekly task Today, you explore the different measures how to ease food crisis in Africa. Each group gets one measure to assess with using SWOT analysis as a guiding tool.
SWOT analysis
Guiding questions – internal origin Strengths and weaknesses Implementation easy/hard Costs of the measure low/high Technology needed exist or not High / low impact on food security
Guiding questions – external origin Opportunities What trends do you see / foresee Is it within the values of people? Is it in line with SDGs? Threats What obstacles might occur Are there legal issues impacting on implementation? Would measure have environmental impacts?
When using SWOT Do not be ‘blocked’ by selecting the correct category you enter each identified attribute Try to list first as many attributes as possible, and then start prioritizing them After that take a critical view on each and try to find supporting sources/references At the end, aim to order the attributes in terms of their importance/significance
Example from recent research We used SWOT as analytical framework in our research on frugal innovation in Tanzania (Nanomaji case) Published in Sustainability: http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/9/888 Useful framework: well-known + simple and straightforward to use Can also include visualisations But actual analytical value-added bit limited: basically just grouping things in a logical way
How to report Use the template available at MyCourses. Note: SWOT matrix is available there in vector format too, if you want to fill it with e.g. Adobe Illustrator. Be prepared to briefly present your SWOT on Monday after lunch at 13:15. DL for task is Monday 18th, 11:00 sharp If delayed, only half of points will be given. Please use the doc-template
Future food opportunities – one for each group Food loss reduction Rainwater harvesting Urban farming Cultured meat Insects as resource-efficient protein source GMO crops Focus area: Sub-Saharan Africa
Contact information: matti.kummu@aalto.fi