By: Victor Soto & Jason Fransz Power Drill By: Victor Soto & Jason Fransz
This is a standard Ryobi drill manufactured out of Fuchu and Hiroshima, Japan.
Unscrewing the screws that held together the plastic casing of the drill, as well as the magnets, switch, and level.
Pulling apart the drill we found that it contained several intricate pieces. Most of which were located in the trigger and drill itself.
We removed the drill and the motor from the shell of the tool We removed the drill and the motor from the shell of the tool. Then we disconnected the drill from the trigger piece.
Here we took the two halves of the drill apart which had lots of greasy gears which rotated with each other to spin the drill
Maximum disassembly point reached.
How do the various parts interact? A drill motor is powered by a battery attached to the end of the handle. The drill motor then rotates and spins gears at very high speeds. These, in turn, spin the drill head, spinning the drill tip. The manufacturing process consists of several machines piecing each individual part together in an assembly line-like manner. As seen here,,
What are the good and bad features of the product? Product functions as intended by the manufacturers Works well for small drill required jobs – not too powerful One of the most important were the streamlined design and shortened length and the ability to lock the chuck with a single hand grip. Bad- One user said it was stripped after only being used twice. They used it only for light duty - drilling in wood and inserting one-inch screws. Common problem with this drill is that the keyless chuck loosens and the bit falls out. Has been known to have a very noisy clutch and gearbox.
What has caused the product to succeed or fail? The product’s success rate is, for the most part, very good, but most likely, due to small manufacturing errors, there are several instances where specific pieces have operated unfavorably for the consumer/user. Its success can be attributed to its well-greased gears, powerful motor, and proper distribution of weight and material.
Are the materials used appropriate? Strong, proper use of materials allowed for prolonged use of the drill. Due to steel’s strength, the drill can operate without falling apart instantly. The motor’s heat production does not hinder the users ability to drill as a result of the rubber and plastic surrounding the handle and drill motor. This is because they are poor conductors of heat.
What Manufacturing process was used? Molding and Forming manufacturing process’ were used to make these drills
What was the estimated cost of the product? Ryobi manufacturers profit around 40% of their total Drill sales, meaning that since a regular drill goes for about $59.95, manufacturers pay around $35.97 for each drill made.