Head Anatomy Medical ppt http://hastaneciyiz.blogspot.com
Bone Anatomy Cranial Vault Frontal 2 Sphenoid Bones 2 Parietal Bones 2 Temporal Bones Occiput Inion
Bone Antomy Sutures Coronal Suture Lamboid Suture Frontogomatic Suture
Bone Anatomy General Facial Bones Mandible Maxilla 2 Nasal Palatine 2 Lacrimal 2 Zygomatic Bones 2 Zygomatice Arches 2 ethomoid Supraorbital Ridge Infraorbital Ridge
Brain Anatomy Regions of Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere Hemisphere Lobes Cerebellum Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Brain Stem Medulla Pons Midbrain
Brain Anatomy Regions of Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere Hemisphere Lobes Cerebellum Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Brain Stem Medulla Pons Midbrain
Brain Anatomy Meninges Dura Mater Arachnoid Mater Pia Mater Subarachnoid Space
Brain Anatomy Cerebral Spinal Fluid Blood Circulation to Brain Suspends CNS in fluid Blood Circulation to Brain Vertebral arteries Carotid arteries
Cranial Nerves
CN I: Olfactory have athlete smell and identify orange counterirritant lip balm “bandaid” other
CNII: Optic Visual Fields Read Close: pocket Snellen chart, book Far: scoreboard, jersey, billboard
CNIII: Occulomotor P.E.A.R.L. Motor Closed eyes, then open & shine penlight compare bilaterally repeat Anisocoria known/congenital? Motor Up, down and medial tracking Ptosis – inability to maintain upper eyelid position
CNIV: Trochlear Down and lateral tracking
CNV: Trigemenial Sensory Facial sensation Motor Clench teeth
CN VI: Abducens Lateral tracking
CN VII: Facial Muscles of expression Clench eyes, teeth, smile, frown, puff cheeks
CN VIII: Vestibulocochlear Balance Romberg’s eyes closed, feet together, arms at side.. Tilt head back: sway or step is positive Heel to toe walk Heel to knee touch Finger to nose Hearing Ticking watch Whisper in ear Weber Test Rinne Test
CN IX: Glossopharangeal Gag reflex Taste Ability to swallow
CN X: Vagus Gag reflex ahhhh
CN XI: Accessory Resisted shoulder shrug Neck Flexion
CN XII: Hypoglossal Tongue Protrusion Medical ppt http://hastaneciyiz.blogspot.com