Operation Empathy: Week 8 DAY 1: October 16th, 2017
Warm-up: weather reports
Reminders… Honors students, remember to respond to your group- member’s posts on your online discussion forum. Everyone: your book review first drafts are due on Friday at the start of class. You will have both hours tomorrow to work on drafting.
Looking at another professional book review… How does the reviewer create a hook to open the review? What is the structure of this review? Be specific. How much space, and/or where, does the reviewer provide key background info and/or a summary of the book? What judgmental but interesting words and phrases does this reviewer use to convey his or her evaluations of the book? Highlight them. The best book reviewers develop their own distinctive style of writing reviews – a style which is not the same as the style of the authors they are writing about. What words would you use to describe this review’s style?
Debrief…. What has changed about your thinking in terms of what makes a powerful book review? What elements of the book reviews that you read would you like to try and incorporate into your own?
Gearing up for your own book reviews… Your book review should be 750-1,000 words Your book review should be written in sophisticated, college-level language. See the rubric for more specific criteria. You will post your review on Amazon.com and/or goodreads.com, and we will also create mini-reviews which we will post around the school to advertise your books to other students. By Friday morning of this week, you need a complete first draft. Tomorrow you will have both hours to work.
Empathy gap verbatim theatre project: looking ahead…. Week of…. We’ll be working on…. October 16th Transcribing interviews; coding interviews for themes October 23rd Drafting scripts October 30th Refining scripts through critique November 6th Rehearsing November 13th EXHIBITION ON TUESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 14th, 6pm
Partial transcription rules: Listen to the whole interview 1 time through, pausing every 2 minutes to jot down a summary of what the interviewee talked about in the previous 2-minute chunk. Use a table to keep track of your notes. FLAG the chunks which were particularly interesting, vivid, and/or relevant to your empathy gap. Think ahead to what might be promising sections of the interview to become part of your theatre sketch. Go back and create a verbatim transcription of the sections that you flagged. Put this transcription in the same document as the table you created with the summary. Use the times that you noted to guide you to the parts of the interview that you want to transcribe. Your transcription should be at least 1 page long.
Operation Empathy: Week 8 DAY 2: October 17th, 2017
Drafting your book reviews…. Things to use as resources while drafting: The rubric Your group’s book review brainstorm Your role sheets (if they were electronic) The professional reviews that we looked at last week and yesterday
Field trip to UCSD! We will meet AT UCSD’s campus at 9:30am on Thursday, 11/2. We will dismiss from UCSD’s campus that afternoon. We likely will need some parent drivers. Stay posted.
Honors discussion Exploring experiences of pain: Where, in the past essays, has Jamison explored the experience of pain? What kinds of pain has she explored? WHO in the essays experiences pain? Now look at the two chapters we read for today. Where do you see Jamison exploring the topic of pain? Whose pain does she explore, and how does she explore it? Choose 2-3 quotations which relate. What new perspectives on pain do we encounter in these chapters from those that we have encountered in previous essays?
Honors: what’s coming up…. Next Tuesday: optional lunchtime meeting to discuss your “empathy exam” writing task WEDNESDAY, 11/1: Pain Tours II; Lost Boys (133-185)
Operation Empathy: Week 8 DAY 3: October 18th, 2017
Label each of these sentences as complete (C) or fragments (F) 1. I went to the store yesterday. 2. Because my mother wanted me to go. 3. At first I told my mother that I wasn’t feeling well. 4. But she insisted. 5. I went. 6. Although I didn’t want to go.
Find and fix the error here: The memoir written by Kay Redfield Jamison is deeply moving, it opens one’s mind to the struggle that is the life of many mental health patients.
Combine these three sentences into 1 Ever since slavery, people of color have been expected to be strong. They are expected to be immune to pain. They are not. Original sentence: “How ever since slavery people of color are expected to be strong, they are almost expected to be immune; they are not.”
Find and fix the error here: Something that really caught my attention was the structure of the book; the way the author starts off the memoir with a present day moment and transitions back to when she was a child.
Homework reminder Your complete first draft of your book review is due on Friday morning by the start of class (points for having a full reviews: 10). You will need to have a printed copy. Please do not plan to use class-time to print. You can come to my classroom before 8:30 if necessary to print instead.
Project time: Priority: organize your group’s google drive folder so that everything is there, including your first project reflection and your article summaries. Goal: all 5 of your group’s interviews are transcribed and printed out by Friday, so that you can use project-time to code them for themes. Absolute cut-off: all interviews need to have been conducted and transcribed by next Monday morning.
Operation Empathy: Week 8 DAY 5: October 20th, 2017
Tuning each other’s book reviews… We will use the spotlight protocol, along with the rubric, to do a whole-group tuning with one person’s review. Your job is then to work on editing your own review based on some of the advice you heard. At the end of the hour you will turn in your draft along with a blank rubric for me to grade (provisional). Period 1: Melissa’s review Period 2: Ryelan’s review
Project time: Send 1-2 members from your group to sit with me in the hallway for a coding workshop. If you are still actively in the middle of transcribing an interview, you should work on that. Whoever attends the workshop will then train the rest of the group on coding. Reminder: all 5 interviews need to have been conducted and transcribed by next Monday morning.
Coding 101 Big picture points: Print out ALL transcripts Your goal is to look for themes and patterns which emerge across interviews. Make a list of these themes and assign each one a color. Go through the interviews and use markers to color-code sections which involve each theme. Be strategic. You don’t have to code every last word!