Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Namibia EuropeAid/129427/L/ACT/NA Full Application 1
Structure of presentation Indicative timetable Requirements of the Full Application Description of the Action Eligible Actions Methodology Budget Eligible Costs Logical Framework Partners & Stakeholders Supporting documents and PADOR Submission of Applications Assessment of Applications General Advice Questions 2
Indicative Timetable Date Time Information meeting 12 May 2010 09h00 Deadline for request for clarifications from the EU Delegation 21 June 2010 15h00 Last date on which clarifications are issued 28 June 2010 - Deadline submission Full Application 05 July 2010 Information to applicants on the opening & administrative check (step 1) End July 2010 Information to applicants on the evaluation of the Application Forms (step 2) End Aug 2010 Deadline for supporting documents End Sept 2010 Conclusions of Evaluation Committee End Oct 2010 Signature of grant contracts Latest 15th Dec Action begins Early 2011 3
Requirements of the Full Application Full Application must include: Annex A (part B) of the Guidelines, sections I – VI Application form Checklist completed (Section B, part V) Applicant declaration signed (original) Partnership agreement signed (original) Annex B of Guidelines Budget for the Action + justification Annex C of Guidelines Logical Framework Respect the format of the application form Fill in the paragraphs and pages in the correct order All relevant information should be contained in these 3 annexes - no supplementary annexes will be accepted 4
Description of the Action Application must correspond to concept note! Overview and summary - including title, cost, duration and location Objectives – should be clearly targeted, feasible and measurable Relevance – to needs of the country, the target group and the priorities of the Call for Proposals Description – including activities and expected results Methodology – including coordination, monitoring and role of partners (make full use of Log Frame) Action plan Demonstrate sustainability Mainstream HIV/AIDS, gender and environment
Description of the Action cont. Describe actual activities, not just objectives – “capacity building”, “empowerment” etc. are objectives rather than clearly defined activities “All proposals must include substantive activities that ensure concrete results on the ground are achieved” (Guidelines Section 1.2.2) Explain any sub-granting planned as part of the project (min €10,000, max €100,000 – see Guidelines) Clear link with Action Plan Clear link with Budget Action must include visibility activities (see
Eligible Actions Project: coherent and self-contained set of actions designed to achieve a specific objective in line with guidelines for this Call for Proposals Duration: 24 – 60 months Location: Namibia Partners: Obligatory for European NGOs; advisable for local actors – it’s not too late to find partners! Ineligible Actions: Actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorship for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, one-off events. Actions which are primarily/exclusively capital expenditure, e.g. buildings, equipment. Refer to Guidelines for further details 7
Methodology Description of implementation methods Coordination with other programmes/activities All Actions must budget for monitoring and evaluation For grants above €100,000 a final audit must be carried out Description and role of partners Team proposed for implementation of the Action (part-time staff are acceptable, but must be budgeted for as full-time staff for a reduced period of time – e.g. Accountant spending 30% of time on Action over a 3 year period = 1 year full-time Accountant salary foreseen in the budget)
Budget Realistic and cost effective Must differ no more that 20% from the budget outlined in the concept note Must cover all eligible costs of the Action, not just the EC’s contribution All items broken down into individual components (i.e. ‘training’ is too vague) Number of units for each cost must be specified Attach an explanatory sheet to the budget Budget must be submitted in Euros (N$9 = €1) Remember to account for inflation (e.g. salaries)
Budget cont. Sources of funding: EC finances up to 75% of eligible costs where Applicant is European and up to 90% where Applicant is Namibian. Declare other sources of funding for the Action Balance must be financed from: Applicant’s own resources; Partner’s own resources; sources other than EU funding Explain how supplementary funding will be secured In-kind contributions must be justified, quantified and linked to overall budget
Budget Justification Justify each item with respect to: Necessity (e.g. transport, computer etc.) The reason for the number of units The choice of unit rate applied The justification should refer to the specific activities foreseen in the Application E.g. “budget item 1.3: 8 days per diem on the four 2-day missions to Tsumeb by Project Coordinator to participate in Training the Trainer sessions”
Eligible Costs Eligible direct costs are: Necessary for carrying out the Action Provided for in the contract Based on sound financial management, particularly in terms of value for money and cost-effectiveness Incurred by the Beneficiary/partners during the implementation period of the action (except cost of preparing final report and final evaluation/audit) 12
Eligible Costs cont. Eligible indirect costs are: No more than 7% of direct costs Cross-cutting for the operation of the Beneficiary’s wider activities, therefore cannot be paid in full by the EC grant E.g. administrative, technical and logistical support such as infrastructure, equipment and human resources A contingency reserve of up to 5% of the direct eligible costs may be included in the budget
Ineligible Costs Examples: Debts and provisions for losses or debts Interest owed Purchase of land or buildings except where necessary for direct implementation of the Action, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries/local partners by the end of the Action Taxes, including VAT (make sure you’re VAT registered) Credits to third parties No retroactive costs! Refer to Guidelines for further details
Logical Framework Links objectives with purpose, activities and results Useful for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation Examines factors outside control of the Applicant which may influence the outcome of the Action (e.g. flooding) Indicators Show how results and objectives will be achieved and measured Show impact of activities, not just implementation, e.g. change in behaviour following training, not just attendance at training Should be objectively verifiable e.g. baseline survey, training reports For more information on log frames see
Partners & Stakeholders All applicants are encouraged to partner with other NSAs and/or LAs – it’s not too late! For European applicants, a partnership with a Namibian NSA and/or LA is a requirement. Applicant: organisation submitting the Application Partnership: group of organisations for the purpose of implementing the Action Partner: organisation other than the Applicant involved in implementing the Action Associate: organisation that plays an active role in the Action but does not receive funding under the EC grant Subcontractor: organisation contracted by the Applicant/partner in order to carry out specific tasks in implementing the Action.
Eligibility of Applicant/Partner Applicant/partner must be: A legal entity (registered minimum 2 years for Namibian NSAs and 3 years for European NSAs) Non-profit making Non-State Actors or Local Authorities Namibian or an EU member state Able to demonstrate activities relevant to the proposed Action carried during the last 2 (Namibian NSAs) or 3 years (European NSAs). LAs are exempt from this rule Not be in any situation listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide (e.g. bankruptcy); see
Supporting Documents and PADOR Potential Applicant Data On-line Registration Applicants and partners must be fully registered in PADOR – failure to do so will result in the Application being rejected Successful Applicants will be required to upload in PADOR: Statues and/or articles of association for the Applicant and its partners Annual activity report Annual accounts Legal entity sheet signed, with justifying documents Bank account fiche signed by bank and Beneficiary PADOR help desk:
Submission of Application Deadline – Monday 5th July 2010, 15:00 Sealed envelope submitted by registered mail, courier service or hand-delivery: 1 original and 3 copies, each bound separately, plus electronic version (USB, CD-ROM) Write on the envelope: Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Call for Proposals EuropeAid/129427/L/ACT/NA Lot XX “Not to be opened before the opening session” If hand-delivered, you will get a delivery receipt. Keep it! If courier or registered post, include an invoice proving date of dispatch, and keep a copy for yourself.
Assessment of Applications OPENING SESSION AND ADMINISTRATIVE CHECK The following will be assessed: The submission deadline has been respected The application satisfies all the criteria specified in points 1-8 of the Checklist (Section V, part B of the grant application form). Applicants will be informed by letter whether their applications have passed the O & A check - successful applications will continue to the technical evaluation 20
Assessment cont. The technical evaluation examines the quality of the applications, including the proposed budget and the capacity of the Applicant and partners Selection Criteria: Stable and sufficient financing to maintain Action during period of implementation and M & E Management capacity of Applicant and partner(s) Award Criteria: Quality of application in relation to objectives and priorities of the CfP Demonstration of relevance, expected impact, sustainability and cost-effectiveness
Assessment Table 1 Section Maximum Score 1. Financial and operational capacity 20 1.1 Do the applicant and, if applicable, partners have sufficient experience of project management? 5 1.2 Do the applicant and, if applicable partners have sufficient technical expertise? (notably knowledge of the issues to be addressed.) 1.3 Do the applicant and, if applicable, partners have sufficient management capacity? (including staff, equipment and ability to handle the budget for the action)? 1.4 Does the applicant have stable and sufficient sources of finance?
Assessment Table 2 2. Relevance 25 2.1 How relevant is the proposal to the objectives and one or more of the priorities of the call for proposals? Note: A score of 5 (very good) will only be allocated if the proposal specifically addresses at least one priority. Note: A score of 5 (very good) will only be allocated if the proposal contains specific added-value elements, such as promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities… 5 x 2 2.2 How relevant to the particular needs and constraints of the target country/countries or region(s) is the proposal? (including synergy with other EC initiatives and avoidance of duplication.) 5 2.3 How clearly defined and strategically chosen are those involved (final beneficiaries, target groups)? Have their needs been clearly defined and does the proposal address them appropriately?
Assessment Table 3 3. Methodology 25 3.1 Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with the objectives and expected results? 5 3.2 How coherent is the overall design of the action? (in particular, does it reflect the analysis of the problems involved, take into account external factors and anticipate a monitoring and evaluation?) 3.3 Is the partners' and/or other stakeholders' level of involvement and participation in the action satisfactory? 3.4 Is the action plan clear and feasible? 3.5 Does the proposal contain objectively verifiable indicators for the outcome of the action?
Assessment Table 4 4. Sustainability 15 4.1 Is the action likely to have a tangible impact on its target groups? 5 4.2 Is the proposal likely to have multiplier effects? (including scope for replication and extension of the outcome of the action and dissemination of information.) 4.3 Are the expected results of the proposed action sustainable: - financially (how will the activities be financed after the funding ends?) - institutionally (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of the action?) - at policy level (where applicable) (what will be the structural impact of the action — e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc?)? - environmentally (if applicable) (will the action have a negative/positive environmental impact?) 5. Budget and cost-effectiveness 5.1 is the ratio between the estimated costs and the expected results satisfactory? 5.2 Is the proposed expenditure necessary for the implementation of the action? 5 x 2 Maximum total score 100
Use the assessment grid to inform your application Assessment cont. Use the assessment grid to inform your application Applications awarded less than 12 points in section 1 (financial and operational facility) and/or less than 12 points in section 2 (relevance) will be rejected Applicants will be informed in writing of the European Commission's decision on their application and, in case of rejections, the reasons for the negative decision. Successful applicants will be required to upload supporting documents in PADOR (see slide above and Guidelines)
General Advice Read the Guidelines carefully Complete ALL compulsory documents Refer for Annex IV for procurement procedures – don’t leave it until the last minute Ask questions by fax (061 202 6224)or email – deadline for questions is June 21st 2010 Check the EC website for FAQs publication Applicants who received prior approval must fulfill the necessary conditions by the deadline (e.g. PADOR) Sign your application - partners must sign too Submit your proposal by hand-delivery or courier and get a receipt Watch the deadline, don’t leave it until the last minute! 27
QUESTIONS Questions by email: by 21st June 2010 No prior opinion on the eligibility of an Applicant, partner or Action possible Questions and answers on EuropeAid website by 28th June 2010 : (search call reference 129427) And Delegation website: 28
GOOD LUCK! 107 concept notes received 8 NSAs and 4 LAs invited to submit a full application NSA chance of success in the full application is 50% LA chance of success is 75%
THANK YOU! Any questions? 30