Muhammad Founder of Islam.


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Presentation transcript:

Muhammad Founder of Islam

Muhammad Born in Mecca around 570 C.E. He was orphaned when he was young and his uncle’s family looked after him.

When people speak his name they say “Muhammad – peace be upon him” No image of him may be drawn, painted or represented in dance

Growing Up Muhammad started work in his uncles business – driving camels and trading across the deserts of Arabia Honest & Trustworthy – people called him Al-Almin (‘The Trustworthy One’) During his travels he met Jews & Christians and they discussed their beliefs & customs

Life in Mecca At 25, Muhammad married Khadijad, a rich widow and they had 6 children He became a successful business man as Mecca was a busy trading city and there were lots of pilgrims crowded around the Ka’ba However he didn’t agree with everything that went on in Mecca

Things that troubled Muhammad: Traders were greedy and dishonest and cheated the poor People spent too much time drinking and fighting Women and children were badly treated

His Beliefs He often spent time in the hills (Mount Hira) outside the city thinking about life and praying He was a religious man – but he did not agree with worshiping the idols and gods on the Ka’ba – he believed that type of worship was the root of many problems in Mecca He came to believe that there was only one God, called Allah (the same God Christians and Jews worship)

Vision/Dream One night on Mount Hira, when he was about 40, Muhammad was praying alone in the cave Muslims believe an angel appeared to him in a dream. He was told he was chosen to be a prophet – God’s messenger on earth Muslims call this night – The Night of Power and Excellence

Muhammad was really worried and rushed home to speak to his wife She convinced him that he had received a message from God Khadijah had great faith and was the first convert to the Islam religion

Muhammad continued to receive messages throughout his life Khadijah and some other converts learned them off by heart until they were written down These messages later became the Qur’an – sacred text of Islam

Prophet Muhammad became a prophet His role was to let everyone know the will of God He began preaching in Mecca

His Message: Must worship one God – Allah – not the 360 idols in the Ka’ba Must listen to Muhammad because he is the prophet of Allah People should live good lives, be honest, share with the poor and look after women and children Any wrongdoing in this life would be punished by God in the next life