The Religion of Islam Copy the notes in Cornell Style as they are shown.
Islam and Muslims The religion is called Islam. The people who practice Islam are called Muslims. (It is pronounced Mooslims)
Islamic symbol The Star and Crescent Moon You will find the Star and Crescent Moon on many Islamic nation’s flags.
Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam A prophet is a messenger of God. Muhammad was born into a powerful family in 570 AD in the Arabian trade city of Mecca. His parents died when he was 6, and was raised by his grandfather and uncle. He grew up to be a successful merchant in Mecca.
Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam He took great interest in religion and liked to go off by himself to pray and meditate in the desert. In 610 AD he heard the voice of the angel Gabriel telling him to proclaim the one true God. After much soul-searching, he became convinced he was the last true prophet and began spreading the word of God.
Muhammad Muslims do not believe that the face of Muhammad should be shown. He is often depicted as in the picture on the right.
Allah Allah is the name of God to Muslims. You will never see an image of Allah. He is considered too sacred to show a picture of. He is the one and only God Muslims believe in.
The Qur’an Holy Book of Islam Written in Arabic Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad. Many Muslims memorize the Qur’an The Qur’an has the rules Muslims live by. Contains 114 chapters
The Sunnah The Arabic word “sunnah” means the way Muhammad lived his life. Muslims strive to live their life as Muhammad did.
A Mosque A Mosque is the place of worship for Muslims. Often covered in calligraphy which is a very artistic form of writing.
The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Faith: There is only one God, and Muhammad is the Prophet 2. Prayer: Five times a day 3. Alms: All Muslims pay a tax to help the poor 4. Fasting: Not eating or drinking during daylight during the month of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj): All Muslims are obligated to make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca once in their lifetimes (if they can afford it).
Prayer Muslims pray 5 times a day They face toward the holy city of Mecca.
Ramadan Ramadan - the most important holiday Muslims fast from sun up till sundown during the month of Ramadan Ramadan celebrates Muhammad receiving the Qur’an from Allah
The Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca
The Dome of the Rock Located in Jerusalem Built in 691 The rock it covers is believed to be the place from which Muhammad traveled to heaven to learn of Allah’s message.
A Way of Life and Passing Live by the Five Pillars As well as other customs, morals and laws. Refrain from eating pork, gambling, or drinking alcohol Doing so will grant a Muslim forgiveness of sins and admittance to “paradise” after death