The Road to Revolution
EQ Does government have the right to make demands without consent of the people? Why or Why not?
Vocabulary Artillery Boston Massacre Boycott Declaration of Independence Intolerable Acts Loyalists Militia Minuteman Patriot Quartering Act Revenue Sons of Liberty Stamp Act Sugar Act Townshend Acts Writs of Assistance
The colonists become upset, protest and boycott England, because laws and regulations are being passed without them being represented in Parliament, not just because they are being taxed.
Restrictions on the Colonists After the War (F & I War) England makes and enforces laws on all 13 colonies Starts with the Proclamation line of 1763 Colonists fought the war for land and do not follow the law
King George passes the Quartering Act to enforce the Proclamation of 1763 10,000 troops placed in the colonies and housed and given supplies by the colonists A tax on a family and their supplies and home
Sugar Act- tax on sugar and molasses Actually lowers the tax from 6₡ to 3₡ Law is actually enforced now Harsh punishments for smugglers Taxed imported goods Explain why the colonists would be upset by this law; No representation in the creation of the law No longer have power to create their own laws and taxes
Stamp Act Legal documents and commercial documents had to have a stamp showing the tax was paid Diplomas, contracts and wills are some examples Newspapers had to be printed on special stamped paper
All colonists were affected by this tax Had to pay the tax with silver coins (which were very rare) Speculate what could happen because England can tax the colonists whenever they want because there is no representation from the colonies. How bad could it become for the colonists Patrick Henry a leader in the Legislature said, “Why Not our lands? Why not the produce of our lands and, in short , everything we possess and make use of?
Protesting 2 types of protesting Violent Peaceful What are the benefits of a peaceful protest/ violent? Are there any benefits? Which way do you think would be the best way to accomplish a goal and why?
Result of the Stamp Act 9 colonies have a meeting Created a petition that said the right of taxing the colonies belonged to the colonies not Parliament Colonial merchants boycott British goods in protest of the Stamp Act
Sons of Liberty Lawyers, merchants and craftspeople (people most affected by the Stamp Act) Burned stamped paper whenever they could Tar and feather customs officials
William Pitt “The Americans have not acted in all things with prudence and [good] temper. They have been driven to madness by injustice. Will you punish them for the madness you have [caused]?... My opinion… is that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally and immediately.”
Parliament repeals the Stamp Act in 1766 Parliament also passes the Declaratory Act- Parliament has supreme Authority to govern the colonies
ACTS Activity 5 different groups. Pick on of the following Acts that were passed by Parliament and find a way to act out the act, without speaking or making sounds, so that the class could guess what Act it is that you are acting out. Intolerable Acts, Quartering Acts, Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Townshend Acts
Write a paragraph Explain in a paragraph the following question; Does government have the right to make demands without consent of the people? Why or Why not?