Upcycling Project! For APES only!
What is Upcycling? Instead of throwing things away, or sending them to a recycling plant to be transformed into something different, upcycling is when you take materials that can be thrown away or recycled and making something completely new out of it. Using a plastic water bottle as a planter. Turning a tire into a chair.
Why are we doing this? It’s part of your final exam grade! (50% of it!) It will make you think outside the box to make something different! It’s FUN!
What needs to be done? Rubric: 3 materials that are normally thrown away or recycled must be used. Those 3 materials must NOT be bought. 20 Points. You and your partner must work together to create the project. 10 Points. You and your partner must make a written description on how you made it & why you made. 10 Points. You and your partner will present the project to the class. 10 Points. The project is worth 50 points. It is half of your final exam grade. If you get a 50 on the final and you get a 100 on this project you will end up with a 75 as your final exam grade.
When exactly is it due? The exact date it is due will either be May 24th or 25th we will start presentations on one of those dates and finish the presentations in the last week of school. If you are not going to be here that last week you HAVE to present before that to get the grade. If you are proud of your project and want to keep it you can, if you want me to keep it for my classroom than that is fine too!
How to begin If you want to work on your own you can. If you want to work with a partner you can. You cannot work with someone in any other class period. Google “Upcycling Ideas” Go to Pinterest and look up Upcycling Instructables.com has a lot of DIY ideas. Remember the project doesn’t have to be ‘useful’ it can be a decoration as well!