Welcome to Chemistry I Honors Ms. Hunt 1W -214 Please take a seat anywhere. Phones away, bags on floor or back of chair Please take out a pen or pencil
NAME CARD On the index card, write legibly in manuscript Name Class hour Pick one of the shapes below that would best represent you and draw it at the bottom. square circle triangle letter Z
Behavioral expectations: working in pairs or teams PAY ATTENTION – to instructions that are given before the work USE THINK TIME – given before you start the activity LISTEN – to person who is speaking at that time without interruption SWITCH – according to the structure or method being used ADHERE TO TIME - set for the activity STOP – pay attention to signal to stop activity and talking and to transition back to whole class.
Round Robin – share your shape and why HOW TO: Person in seat 1 shares their shape and why for 15 sec Person in seat 2 shares their shape and why for 15 sec Continue for person 3 and 4 Activity duration 1 minute total Now think what you will say when it’s your turn Person 1 start with the timer (http://www.online-stopwatch.com/)
STOP Stack all cards on your table
Students will be introduced to the academic and behavioral expectations of the class. Expectation sheet Behavioral expectations Academic expectations Laboratory Safety
Class Syllabus Behavior expectations - daily
Behavioral expectations – upon entering class In your assigned seat, before the bell finishes ringing. Notebook out and open to previous day’s work Pencil, sharpened, or pen Closed water bottle on table Phone stowed away in bag (no phone charging in class) Purse, book bag, and gym bag on the floor or the back of your chair.
Behavioral expectations – during class Follow instructions for activity or structure being done Only required material for the activity is on the table Be respectful, no talking over another – student or teacher Be mindful of time, work throughout the time allotted Transitions between activities – no running or horseplay Turn in required work to the tray on front desk Rule of 10 – no one out for first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class time. Only 1 out to restroom at a time and must sign out/in
Behavioral expectations – at end of class Clean your table area after activities Return borrowed materials to proper place Place trash in garbage bin Place paper in recycling box Place clean plastic and cans in recycling bin NO LINING UP AT THE DOOR BEFORE THE BELL. Last block students (6th and 7th hours) place chair on tables.
Class Syllabus Academics
SUPPLIES Interactive notebook Scientific calculator Internet Access – when not in school NO need for correcting fluid, “white-out”, etc. Optional supplies
Classroom expectations reviewed: https://www. youtube. com/watch
GRADES Calculation Zero mark in Skyward Late work Extra Credit options
Absence Policy Laboratory practical work Classwork Assessment
Class website http://sites.google.com/site/tchschem
On-line textbook and material https://www.ck12.org