Climate Factors L/O: 1) To understand why climate varies between different locations 2) To present climate information
Starter Thinking activity Why is Seville warmer than London? Why is Edinburgh wetter than Seville? Why does Moscow have more extreme weather than Seville? Remember climate is the average weather in a place. It’s what it is usually like.
Latitude – how far a place is from the equator Activity 1 Geog2 p48-49 Teacher explains each of the factors in turn and pupils add to a spider diagram. Latitude – how far a place is from the equator Climate factors
Lines of latitude
Tilt of the Earth
Other factors Closeness to coast Prevailing (main) wind direction Ocean currents Height of land (altitude)
Presenting climate graphs
Now …… What can you tell about the ONE / TWO places you have investigated – how are their climates similar or different? Can you suggest reasons why that place has that types of climate? Where may it be in the world? What factors would you have to consider if you lived there?
How did I do? Level 4: I describe factors which change climate and present information accurately using graphs Level 5: I can explain factors affecting climate and use graphs to identify and explain what a place is like Level 6: I can compare the differences between two places by using statistics , maps and graphs Level 7: I can explain the reason for the climate of a place by discussing the physical factors which affect their climate
Plenary Return to the starter questions.