Disability and disasters: Empowering people and building resilience to risk Mr. Ngin Saorath Executive Director Cambodian Disabled People’s Organisation (CDPO) E-mail: director@cdpo.org
Who we are? What are we doing?
Disability Inclusion in Climate Actions
The interlink of Disability and climate change existing social inequities and exclusion Likely to cause an increase in the incidence and prevalence of serious health conditions leading to lasting impairments
Sources of support
Legal Framework - national and international
Climate change Policy and legal frameworks
Why is it important to include disability into the Climate change financing? High exposure to natural hazard events Cambodia experiences many different types of hazards (see diagram) Changes in weather patterns and natural resources – floods, droughts and lightening are the most common. 2050 recorded death between 1996-2013 (NCDM & UNDP, 2014) with more than half due to flooding and 30% due to lightening Most susceptible provinces to multiple hazards are Kompong Cham, Takeo, Kratie, Siem Reap and Prey Veng
How do we that? persons with disabilities and their families are included in climate change initiatives/plan/design focusing upon basic needs, livelihoods, healthcare, social participation and disaster preparedness and mitigation. It is essential that disaster risk management programmes are participatory and that distribution sources are accessible for all – no one leaves behind. Inclusive livelihoods initiatives and alternative trainings in the event of forced migration are crucial. This is supported by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in particular article 11. Specific budget needs to be allocated to this action Research and study about the impact of climate change to persons with disabilities
Together we can make a different! Thank you Together we can make a different!