Sin and Forgiveness Chapter 6.


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Presentation transcript:

Sin and Forgiveness Chapter 6

Definitions of Sin (Catechism, 1849) An offense against reason, truth, and right conscience A failure to love God and neighbor due to an attachment to sin A word, action, or desire contrary to God’s law

The Reality of Sin We must own up to our sins to receive God’s forgiveness and mercy.

The Bible and Sin The Bible reveals a loving God who is faithful to us despite our patterns of sin, selfishness, pursuing false, and rebelling against God.

Old Testament Images of Sin Over 50 words to describe sin in the OT. Most common: Hatta – “missing the mark”; forgetting that God is our ultimate “target”; we make something good into our god. Examples -- Accepting bribes, joining someone in mockery, being selfish and refusing to do good. Pesha – “rebellion”; a deliberate action against God; stubborn, stiff-necked, hardened of hearts Examples – apathy (could care less); refusal to be corrected; hostility to others or to something good Awon – “iniquity” or guilty; damages caused by sin – alienation from God, ourselves, others

The New Testament on Sin, Jesus, and Forgiveness Most important teaching  refusal to love or accept God’s offer of friendship and grace in Christ. Heart of Christian message is that Jesus, through the Paschal Mystery has overcome sin and death Jesus’ basic message is repentance and to allow the Holy Spirit to help us live the Gospel. To his dying breath, Jesus forgave sins.

Different Kinds of Sin Categories of Sin Seven Capital Sins -- wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony Sins that cry to heaven – fratricide; perverted sexual relations; cry of the oppressed, foreigners, widows, and orphans; injustice to wage earner. Sins of the flesh– impurity, idolatry, sorcery, jealousy, selfishness, divisions, envy, drunkeness, orgies etc. Original Sin – caused by concupiscence (inclination to sin) Personal Sin – any free and deliberate act in thought, words, and action; can be mortal or venial The root of sin is our bad exercise of free-will.

Mortal Sin Grave violation of God’s law that destroys charity in the human heart, sanctifying grace. and severs our friendship with God; if un-repented, it can merit for us eternal separation with God (Hell). Must be confessed; we should not present ourselves for Holy Communion since our soul is technically “dead”.

In order for a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be met: Grave matter Full Knowledge/Sufficient Reflection Full Consent Certain factors such as ignorance, forced of habit, pressure, etc. can reduce a person’s blameworthiness.

Venial Sin Less serious matter, lacking full knowledge or complete consent. Prevents us from growing in holiness. Examples: disobeying your parents about curfew, being resentful of someone’s work, copying homework, telling a fib. Should be confessed for spiritual growth.

Cooperating in someone’s sin We are just as guilty if we cooperate with someone else’s sinfulness: directly and voluntarily “cooperate” in another person’s sin. we order, advise, praise, or approve the sins of another person. we do not disclose or reveal the sinful action of another when we are duty-bound to do so. we protect or lie about someone’s sinful behavior.

Social Sin Collective personal sins of individuals can result in structures of sin that create unjust policies, practices and laws that victimizes people and create a cycle of violence and sin. Examples: greed, gluttony, and consumerism that leads to neglect of the poor. Selfish actions of individuals and companies that leads to the destruction of the environment and exploitation of poorer nations. Pride and prejudice that leads to unjust policies Pride, envy, greed that have created the culture of death that denies the right of the unborn and encourages assisted suicide. Lust and the acceptance of pornography that has lead to the cheapening of life and the degradation of men and women.

Conversion and the Sacrament of Reconciliation An essential step to grow in holiness is repentance or metanoia. God will forgive the sins of anyone who approaches him. The only unforgivable sin is the sin against the Holy Spirit – which is a deliberate refusal to accept God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the ordinary way for Catholics to have mortal sins forgiven. The Church recommends frequent celebration of the Sacrament of Penance. The five elements of the Sacrament of Reconciliation are: Examining one’s conscience Contrition/Sorrow for sins Confession of sins Absolution Performing penance