WELCOME GETTING STARTED Introductions Confirm virtual connections Identify note taker Review meeting minutes from 2016 Meeting purpose, goals, and outcomes
AZTRANSFER SUMMIT A FOCUS ON PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AZTransfer is highly dependent on the faculty and staff at each university and community college to share best practices with each other. 5th Annual Summit is April, 12-13, 2018 We-Ko-Pa Resort and Conference Center Call for session proposals in October 2017 Transfer Advocate Award nominations accepted January through March www.aztransfer.com/summit
NEW TRANSFERS FROM AZ COMMUNITY COLLEGES MAKING AN IMPACT Increase of 10.9% since 2010-11 …………………............ Minority students increased 31.1% over the same period
CREDITS TRANSFERRED AT ENTRY MAKING AN IMPACT Students are completing more credits before transfer …………………............ Students with an associate’s degree have the highest university graduation rates.
BACCALAUREATE DEGREE RECIPIENTS MAKING AN IMPACT Increase of 15.7% since 2010-11 …………………............ Our goal is degree completion at both the associate and bachelor’s degree levels.
ATF DEGREE REPORT PROVIDE TOOLS TO SUPPORT TRANSFER AZTransfer has built out degree reports by affiliated ATF discipline. Review ATF Degree Report Have we identified the appropriate related bachelor’s degrees? Should any additional degrees be included? Should any of these degrees be deleted or moved?
COURSE PREFIXES PROVIDING TOOLS TO SUPPORT TRANSFER Review the lists of college and university prefixes on the ATF Dashboard Confirm that each prefix is still correct. Facilitators: record any proposed changes in the meeting report.
COURSE EQUIVALENCY GUIDE PROVIDING TOOLS TO SUPPORT TRANSFER From the ATF Dashboard, under the list of College Course Prefixes, review each institution’s CEG page by prefix. Scan the courses listed to confirm that nothing is missing. If courses are not listed, faculty should work with their Institutional Facilitators to have the courses submitted through ACETS for evaluation. Facilitators: record any discrepancies in the meeting report.
COMMON COURSE MATRICES PROVIDING TOOLS TO SUPPORT TRANSFER Review the Matrices listed on the ATF Dashboard Are the course listed on the Common Courses section of the matrix required for the university degrees listed above? If not, should they be re-categorized as Electives? The Matrix Change Report lists any changes which were approved in the past year. Using AZTransfer.com, go through the Tools to view the appropriate Major Guide for the student-view of this information.
EXAMS FOR CREDIT PROVIDING TOOLS TO SUPPORT TRANSFER The Exam Equivalency Guide holds data for AP, Cambridge International Exams, CLEP, DSST, and IB. Please review data if there are exams relevant to your area. The goal is to identify common cut score equivalencies across all of our institutions. Some exams may have changed during the past academic year. If there are changed relevant to your discipline, these will be noted within the matrix in red. University faculty have determined whether or not this exam warrants new course equivalencies at their institutions. Facilitators: use the ATF Administrator Login to record proposed changes during the meeting.
CURRICULAR UPDATES PROMOTING COMMUNICATION AMONG EDUCATORS Update on university general education requirements (Lead members from each university) Institutional updates for curriculum planning and anticipated program changes (Lead member from each institution)
DISCUSSION PROMOTING COMMUNICATION AMONG EDUCATORS What models are your institutions using to support retention and student success (ex. Guided Pathways, etc.)? What impact have interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary programs had on your discipline? How can we support the Achieve60AZ initiative to increase education attainment in Arizona to 60% by 2030? Each spring, AZTransfer develops and hosts the AZTransfer Summit, a two day conference focusing on transfer in Arizona. Are there relevant practices, research, or other topics within your institutions that could be submitted as session proposals?
MEETING WRAP-UP PROMOTING COMMUNICATION AMONG EDUCATORS Record ATF decisions Identify items to follow up on before the next meeting and specify lead people for those items Identify specific issues to bring forward to AZTransfer Suggest agenda items for next meeting Plan for the next Fall meeting Chair/Co-chairs (institution and specific individual) Host (Institution and specific individual) Location Date Time
AZTRANSFER STAFF CONTACT US KELLY ROBLES Executive Director kelly@aztransfer.com HELENA BABISKI Program Coordinator helena@aztransfer.com