Royal Period 1752-1781 During the Royal Period, how did Georgia change in terms of slavery, land ownership, and government?
Government Structure Royal Colony Bicameral Legislature Commons House of Assembly Governor’s Council Court of Conscience Used to settle differences Assembly Governor’s Council elected Appointed by the king Write laws Wealthy, influential landowners Vote on bills Advise governor Approve land grants Make laws Serve as judges
Ellis, Henry Feb. 1757 – 2nd royal governor Replaced Gov. Reynolds Sought the advice of many political groups Sought the advice of the governor of SC Depended on well-known and wealthy colonists Granted new colonists large areas of land Economic success
Ownership of Land 1752- Liberty County – 32,000 acres sold to Puritans from SC To vote a settler had to own at least 50 acres of land To be elected a member of the Assembly one had to own at least 500 acres Land ownership grew from 1 million acres owned to 7 million acres owned under Gov. Wright
Reynolds, John Introduced the idea of self-government Lost popularity after dissolving the first Assembly Took away right to self-government Led to his removal as governor Reynolds Square in Savannah
Gov. James Wright Replaced Gov. Ellis Believed in self – government Former lt. governor Believed in self – government Wanted to open western lands to settlers Completed defenses around Savannah palisades
Involuntary Servitude Slaves were brought to GA from SC Slave codes restricted the rights of slaves 1759 – 3,600 slaves Highland Scots of Darien and Salzburgers of New Ebenzer opposed slavery
Assembly – the 1st 1755 – Savannah The Assembly: Passed slave codes Reorganized the militia Passed laws to rebuild and repair roads During one session, the Governor’s Council could not agree on funding for military defenses Gov. Reynolds dissolved the Assembly and tried to govern on his own Many colonists did not like having their right to self-government taken away
Summarizing Activity: 3, 2, 1 Three sentences for the royal governors (one for each governor) stating their important accomplishments. Two sentences summarizing government during the Royal Period. One sentence summarizing land ownership in the Royal Period.