Diane Doser, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Using InTeGrate Materials in Large Introductory Environmental Science Courses Diane Doser, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
Student Profile, Introduction to Envir. Sci. (ESCI 1301) 90% non-STEM majors Part of learning community for ESCI majors 80%-85% Hispanic 60% Freshman Up to 10% student athletes 10-15% have poor grasp of English
Little active learning Fixed seating with 183 students 2012 2013 2014 No InTeGrate Three 50 min. lectures Little active learning Fixed seating with 183 students Climate of Change module Otherwise same class format as 2012 with 222 students 27% InTeGrate Two 80 minute sessions Mini-lectures and group work Moveable seating 125 students 2015 2016 33% InTeGrate Same class format as 2014 124 students 40% InTeGrate Same class format as 2014 115 students
Course Structure: Two 80 minute class periods 15-20 minute mini-lecture Group work for ~60 minutes (3-4 students/group) Non-InTeGrate work follows similar structure with data and often a place based focus Reading assignments due 8 AM every Tuesday Exams every 2 weeks, pop-quizzes, some homework Extra credit opportunities
Example of materials Found at: https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/modules_courses.html
Modules/Units Used in 2016: Climate of Change (units 1, 2, 3, and 6) Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources (Units 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6) Humans’ Dependence on Earth’s Mineral Resources (Units 1, 2 and 6) A Growing Concern: Sustaining Soil Resources Through Local Decision Making (Unit 1) Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception (Unit 1) Description of implementation at UTEP and EPCC found at: https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/programs/implementation/program7/index.html
Changes in Grades
Positive Student Feedback: Excited to come to class, time flew Groups helped those fearful of math/science Made new friends in first freshman course Relevance to El Paso and daily lives Appealed to visual learners Popular activities included: water footprint, climate gallery walk, environmental justice (all InTeGrate), mystery box, local endangered species
Negative Student Feedback: Had to come to class every day, couldn’t just show up to take exams Too much reading Problems with group dynamics (group checks done during 3rd and 7th week of class to identify problems) Dislike of interacting with others Too many exams/quizzes
Instructor Positives: I got to know the individual students better Students more comfortable asking questions and coming to me and TA’s for help Students come to talk to me after semester is over Lots more fun!
Other Thoughts: Try one or more units at end of semester to test the waters If you use every day students need about 2 weeks to adjust In smaller classes could re-form groups, logistically hard with large classes Two TA’s help for first couple weeks, then only 1 is necessary, bi-lingual TA extremely helpful Add material relevant to your local community