51 THINGS The Department of Defense will give to you before you leave Military Service Part 35 & 36 -Travel & Transportation Allowances -Contact Information for Housing Counseling Assistance
The Ability to…. Walk fast Eat fast Sleep anywhere Drive aggressively Make a Power Point Be polite & insulting at the same time Excessively curse
Everyone’s Favorite
Outline How it helps you (WIIFM) Information to Retain Tasks & Items Required Resources
Thing # 35 Travel & Transportation Allowances
How It Helps You (WIIFM) Storage when you are unsure of post military location Cuts down on the financial burden Understand difference from a Permanent Change of Station Helps you move from military to civilian life
Information to Retain Relocation Extended Housing Allowance PLEAD & HOR vs HOS Extended Housing Allowance I-SEP & SERB HOR Selection DD 2058 Relocation Place Entered AD (RESFOR), Home of Record (Navy), Home of selecton Eligible Service Members -Discharged, resigned, or separated under honorable conditions -Transfer to the Fleet Reserve/Retirement -Temporary Disability Retirement -Discharged/Separated under other than honorable conditions -Reserve members released from Active Duty of 20 or more weeks at one location Extended Housing Allowance Involuntary separation and Selected for Early Retirement Board 180 days at a rental rate , space available Home of Record Selection -(2058) State Legal Residence may be change at if erroneously entered ( aka Mom & Dad’s If you now have a house of your own or when you reenlist or have a break in service Varies State to State
Information to Retain DoD Dependents School Extensions Shipment & Storage of Household Goods To / From SIT / N-TS PPM / TSP Entitlements DoD Dependents School Extensions -Subject to SOFA each child has completed 11th grade by date of sep only for isep/med sep Shipment & Storage of Household Goods TO/ FROM Authorized from Last PDS, Previous PDS, Previous designated location, Non temp storage Authorized to HOR, PLEAD, Non Temp Storage *if to or from any other location it is at mbr cost Storage SIT 90 day not releasing from n-t N-TS 180 from separation request to release must be from before Personally Procured move / Transportatuion service provider Entitlements -A Service member is authorized travel from the last PDS to his or her HOR or PLEAD or HOS. -A dependent is authorized travel from the PDS or place last transported at Govt expense to the HOR or PLEAD, whichever the Service member selects. -If different location selected, reimbursement is limited to the amount authorized for travel from the last PDS to the HOR or PLEAD
Tasks Relocation EHA HOR/HOS DoD DSE S & S HHG Entitlements Relocation - update / verify HOR EHA- contact base housing office HOR/HOS- Choose DoD DSE- Meet Requirements of US Code Title 10 Section 1141 for I-sep and Med sep S & S HHG - start early, get a move dot mil account,get official orders or LOI Entitlements - file claim with separation PSD
Resources Anywhere NAVSUP Household Good Portal: www.navsup.navy.mil/household JTR: https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/perdiem/JTR(Ch1-10).pdf NAVSUP P 490: http://www.move.mil/documents/DOD/NAVSUP_PUB_490_Rev5.pdf DOD Household Goods Portal: http://www.move.mil POV Locator: http://www.pcsmypov.com/
Resources Anywhere Shipping a POV: www.transcom.mil/dtr/part-iv/dtr_part_iv_app_k_3.pdf Storing a POV: www.transcom.mil/dtr/part-iv/dtr_part_iv_app_k_4.pdf Weight Estimator Form: www.move.mil/documents/dod/weightestimator.xls It’s Your Move Booklet: www.transcom.mil/dtr/part-iv/dtr_part_iv_app_k_1.pdf www.militaryonesource.mil
Resources Local Installation BHO Relocation Assistance Program PSD FFSC
Thing # 36 Contact Information for Housing Counseling Assistance
How It Helps You (WIIFM) Legal Protections Buying and selling a home Avoiding foreclosure Financing home improvements Filing housing discrimination complaints
Information to Retain Military Vs Public Domain Voluntary Vs Involuntary Separations The Department of Housing & Urban Development 2003 Service Members Civil Relief Act If you live in government quarters, you must arrange a time for a member of the housing staff to come and perform a pre-inspection and explain the requirements for cleaning and vacating quarters, as well as options available to get this accomplished. If you are moving from a rental property, notify the landlord as soon as possible. The Housing Office can assist you if any problems arise in conjunction with your military separation. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities, free from discrimination, and provide quality affordable homes, all with the goal of improving quality of life for everybody. funds housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can give you advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, foreclosures, credit issues and reverse mortgages. committed to resolving the issue of homelessness for all Americans, including active duty military as well veterans and their families. The HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) was created as a result of a unique partnership between national and veteran service organizations and HUD. FHA VA After World War II, Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance combined with Veteran’s Administration mortgage to help Veterans achieve the American Dream SMRA Is the law that governs legal protections for member of the United States Military. Reservist and members of the National Guard (when in active federal service) are also protected under the SSCRA. Individuals can break a lease when they go on active duty if the lease was entered into before going on active duty. Individuals can terminate a residential lease entered into while in the military if the member change duty stations or deploy for more than 90 days. Individuals involuntarily separated are authorized to use military housing for up to 190 days after separation, subject to SOFA.
Tasks & Requirements Military Housing Public Domain SCRA HUD Pre-inspection Public Domain Letter SCRA Contact HUD Talk Service members must fill out Notice of Intent to Vacate or spouse may do so with a power of attorney. Residents are responsible for giving a full 30 day notice when vacating quarters. Residents that do not give a full 30 day notice will be held rent responsible for the full 30 days. If residents have PCS or deployment orders, it is recommended that residents bring copies to the office on the day they are received.
Resources Anywhere Local Command Ombudsmen Family Readiness Officer U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Housing Administration 451 Seventh St., SW Washington, D.C. 20410 1-800-CALL-FHA (1-800-225-5342) or via Federal Information Relay Service (w/TTY): 1-800-877-8339 https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/ HUD https://scra.dmdc.osd.mil/scra/#/h ome Command Ombudsmen Family Readiness Officer
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans Who Can Call Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness Family members, friends and supporters calling on behalf of Veterans VA Medical Centers and other VA facilities and staff Federal, state and local partners Community agencies and providers who serve Veterans who are homeless Why Make the Call to It's free and confidential It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week You'll get information about VA homeless programs, health care and other services in your area What Happens When Veterans Make the Call A trained VA staff member asks a few questions to find out what you need Then, you're connected to the nearest VA staff person who can help You'll get access to trained VA counselors What Happens When Others Make the Call Family members and non-VA providers receive information about available homeless programs and services They can keep their information confidential or leave contact information so staff can follow up