Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Enforce laws against discrimination in the workplace. 2,100+ employees at 53 field sites and HQ 93,000+ new cases received every year Annual appropriation = about $364 Million IT budget = ranges between 4- 5% ($14-17 M) IT staff = 52 Govt+ 23 contractors at HQ Field IT staff = Touch support for break/fix Data center @ DC HQ + LAN @ every field site EEOC is small, independent agency charged with enforcing laws against discrimination. We have a workforce of 2000-2500 employees who work mostly at EEOC field sites. While private sector enforcement, litigation, mediation and outreach makes up the bulk of our work, the EEOC Office of Federal Operations (OFO) is dedicated to Federal Sector It serves as the appellate body for agency decisions rendered in Federal sector EEO complaints Promoting a diverse, inclusive federal workforce thru training, outreach, and assessment of agency EEO programs. Providing programmatic leadership to all federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) Directors. According to statute, the EEOC performs two important data collections from all agencies on an annual basis: MD715 - For years agencies spent untold hours preparing detailed workforce demographic data in hardcopy format to submit to OFO (MD715). OFO staff struggled to compile the MD715 data often manually retyping the data into spreadsheets for analysis. Ironically, much of the data submitted by agencies for the MD715 came from one of the four Federal Payroll systems providers. FedSEP is fully integrated with IBC payroll system. IBC alone supports 44 Federal Agencies out of 177 total agencies. Form 462 - Likewise, every agency also did an annual compilation of complaint data in aggregate format and spent days manually entering the data into the EEOC’s Form 462 system. The 462 data was unwieldy and difficult for OFO to use. To make matters worse, for 90% of the agencies the Form 462 data came from an automated COTS Complaint Processing systems. In other words, agencies were taking data that was already in electronic form and entering it manually to meet the EEOC’s antiquated submission requirements.
Many Problems: Manual processes Paper based submission Overly burdensome Data not in digital format No longitudinal data Not enough time for analysis Inadequate analytic tools A few years ago, the Federal Sector OFO Director approached me to discuss the idea of automating and integrating these two important data collections. He and his team met with me and my staff and we began diagraming the “as is” process. It was clear to all of us that this was a process RIPE for reengineering. It became clear that this project might be a good candidate for a public private partnership. Micropact, coincidently one of the GITEC Summit sponsors, has a product called iComplaint, that is used by nearly 90% of Federal agencies to manage their EEO complaint process. We engaged Micropact to augment our development team for a solution that was efficient and yet not costly. Micropact was intimate with EEOC’s requirements (over 7,000 business rules) and filled a gap in our development process which help us develop and implement FedSEP in just 9 months.
In March 2013, after three years of collaboration and agile sprints, the EEOC unveiled the Federal Sector EEO Portal (FedSEP), an electronic gateway through which more than 325 federal agencies interact with the EEOC relative to their workforce and complaint data. This web-based portal provides each agency’s staff with a single point of access to EEOC data collection systems and information resources, and to the reports and documentation the agency has submitted via FedSEP. Data submission that used to be manual are now totally automated. MD-715: for Workforce Data Submission Provides the Flexibility to Federal Agencies to submit EEO information in multiple ways For MD-715 Submit data from your HR systems like CHRIS, IBC, NFC Data can be uploaded directly into FedSEP Use EEOC provided Excel template to submit your agency’s demographic data Utilize your custom EEO applications data to format and submit via FedSEP Form 462: for Complaint Data Submissions For Form 462 Use EEOC provided Excel template to submit your reports
Federal Sector EEO Portal (FedSEP) Government-to-Government Transaction Portal Single point of access for over 325 agencies to: Submit EEO data and access EEO online resources Obtain EEO reports, documentation and assessments Submit all Complaint related files for Hearings/Appeals Key Features: Single role based registration for all services Simple self registration
Critical Success Factors Establish partnership among Stakeholders Develop continuous feedback mechanisms Explore potential for Joint Public-Private Initiative Build in self-service features Use video based, self paced training Plan on post production fixes and enhancements Obtain “testimonials” from early adopters. Agency EEO Directors and Agency Head can review and certify their plans and reports online Centralized repository to view your reports, submissions and any related documents Centralized repository for EEO Guidance for MD-715 and Form 462 Future Planned Implementation Agency to Agency System Data Transfer (with no need for manual data uploads) EEOC Strategic Plan provides the touchstone for Integrating Business Processes with Technology Strategy III.A.3 Use innovative technology to facilitate responsive interactions and streamline agency processes (United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012 – 2016)