3 types Light Microscope SEM – Scanning Electron Microscope TEM – Transmission Electron Microscope
Light Microscope Lens Magnification MULTIPLIES!! EYE PIECE magnifies the specimen 10 times OBJECTIVE LENS magnifies the specimen 40 times TOTAL MAGNIFICATION = 400 times because 10 eyepiece x 40 objective lens = 400
Shoots beam of e- at the object. The electrons bounce back Shoots beam of e- at the object. The electrons bounce back. Detectors form the 3-D image.
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What is this?
What is this?
http://www. telegraph. co http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/picture-galleries/7397841/Creepy-crawlies-Amazing-Scanning-Electron-Microscope-pictures-of-insects-and-spiders.html
Transmission Electron Microscope T.E.M.
T.E.M. Same as S.E.M . (shooting a beam of electrons at the specimen), but with T.E.M. we view a thin slice of the specimen. We can see internally…
Part of a fish gill