Conviction Record OF ARRESTS AND PROSECUTIONS (rapSHEET) Washington State Patrol Identification and Criminal History Section January 2016
Agenda Criminal History Beginnings. The Section. Criminal History and Criminal History Flow. Conviction Information. Washington Access to Criminal History. Record of Arrests and Prosecutions (RAPsheet). Compromised Identity Claim Card (CICC). Section Contact Information.
Criminal History Beginnings In the early 1900s criminal history record information (CHRI) was collected by the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI). The BCI resided at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary. In 1961 the legislature did not provide funds for the continuance of the BCI and it closed. At the time of the closure 660,000 plus records were placed in storage until 1972.
The Section In 1972 the legislature created the Criminal Records Division (CRD), Identification and Criminal History Section (referred to as the Section) per Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.43.700 as the central repository for criminal records for the state of Washington. It is the duty of the sheriff or director of public safety of every county, and the chief of police of every city or town, and of every chief officers of other law enforcement agencies duly operating within this state, to cause the photographing and fingerprinting of all adults and juveniles arrested. [RCW 43.43.735 and .740]
The Section (cont.) The court is responsible to provide the disposition to the Section. [RCW 10.98.080] It is the duty of the law enforcement agency and at a preliminary hearing or arraignment the judge is responsible to ensure that the felony defendants have been fingerprinted and an arrest fingerprint form transmitted to the Section. The juvenile court administrator will initiate an arrest fingerprint form and transmit it to the Section. [RCW 10.98.050]
The Section (cont.) Once the Section was established, the 660,000 plus records were shipped to Olympia. Section staff reviewed the records and based on specific requirements only 20,000 records were entered into the Washington State Identification System (WASIS) criminal history database. Criteria used to determine which records to retain included the quality of the fingerprints, the age of the person, and whether the person was still active in the criminal justice system or incarcerated.
The Section (cont.) The Section located in Olympia is the only WSP office that provides the following services to the public, businesses, or organizations. Applicant fingerprinting. Notary letters. Background checks Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH). Record Review Challenges
CHRI What is criminal history record information (CHRI)? CHRI consists of identifiable descriptions and notations of arrests, detentions, indictments, informations, or other formal charges and any disposition arising therefrom. [RCW 10.97.030(1)] In 1992 the State of Washington became a single source contributor to the FBI. This means all requests for CHRI from the FBI must first undergo a state background check before being forwarded to the FBI from the Section. Non-criminal justice agencies must have a state statute authorizing a federal background check in order to conduct a background check through the FBI.
CHRI (cont.) When a fingerprint card is received at the Section, the fingerprints are searched against the Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) which houses the fingerprint images of all records contained in the repository. If a record is found, a conviction RAPsheet will be returned to the requesting non-criminal justice agency via email. If no record is found, a “No Record Found” message is returned to the requesting non-criminal justice agency via email. If an FBI search is authorized the fingerprints are transmitted to the FBI. The FBI response is returned via email to the requestor.
Conviction Information Conviction information [RCW 10.97.030(3) and .030(4) Washington State only conviction information Guilty and adverse findings. Adverse findings: Acquitted by Reason of Insanity, Dismissed by Reason or Incompetency, etc. Open arrests less than one year old without a disposition. Available to the public, businesses/organizations and criminal justice agencies. Conviction data may be disseminated without restriction. [RCW 10.97.050(1)]
Non-conviction Information Nonconviction data consists of all CHRI relating to an incident which has not led to a conviction or other disposition adverse to the subject, and for which proceedings are no longer actively pending. [RCW 10.97.030(2) Certified Criminal Justice Agencies receive both non-conviction and conviction data.
CHRI Flow A person is arrested and taken to a booking station, normally a jail facility. The person is fingerprinted and fingerprints/arrest information is forwarded to WSP (electronically or mailed). At the same time a disposition is forwarded to the prosecutor or appropriate court to determine if charges will be filed. If no charges are filed the prosecutor or court provides a “No Charges Filed” disposition to WSP. If charges are filed the appropriate court hears the case and provides the disposition to WSP. ABIS and WASIS are updated with the criminal history.
Criminal History Flow Chart Subject fingerprinted and booked into jail Case sent to prosecuting attorney (PA) PA doesn’t file charges Charges filed Non-JIS courts mails disposition JIS court electronically sends disposition 3a.
WATCH The Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) website is an online service for conducting Washington state criminal history background checks. Requirements Credit card to pay fee (fee information is available on the website). The person’s name and date of birth (DOB). The result of the background search is available in the WATCH Inbox online. For more information on WATCH, contact the Background Unit at (360) 534-2000 option 2 or send an email to
Record of Arrests and Prosecutions Record of Arrests and Prosecutions (RAPsheet) information is a fingerprint based record of a person’s arrests and prosecutions in Washington State. If a person was not fingerprinted, there is no criminal history in the WASIS database. For instance, if a person was cited and released without being fingerprinted, that arrest citation information would not be available on a Washington state background check. Name and Date of birth background checks are only as good as the name and birth provided. It is not uncommon for individuals to use someone else’s identity at the time of arrest.
Example RAPsheet NOTE: Information in the shaded areas in the following RAPsheet example is for training purposes and will not appear on a RAPsheet. This report was generated from a transaction run on 01/02/2016 at 09:40 Conviction Criminal History RCW 10.97.050(1) Pursuant to the purpose of inquiry, a possible match was found in the Washington State Criminal History Repository based on the descriptors provided: Training,Record DOB 03/08/1995
CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION AS OF 01/02/2016 ****************************************************************************************** CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION AS OF 01/02/2016 This is the date the CHRI was requested. ****************************************************************************************** MASTER INFORMATION ****************************************************************************************** NAME: TRAINING,RECORD SID NUMBER: WA10000825 DOC NUMBER: 999999 DATE OF BIRTH: 03/08/1982 FBI NUMBER: 9007700 The master information is obtained when the first retained fingerprint card is received. Name – the name on the first retained fingerprint card, may or may not be the person’s true name. SID Number – number assigned to the first set of retained fingerprints. DOC Number – number assigned by the DOC, is not fingerprint based. FBI Number – number assigned by the FBI. Note: Not everyone will have a DOC or FBI number.
REPORTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ******************************************************************************************* PERSON INFORMATION ******************************************************************************************* DECEASED DATE REPORTED: 04/11/2011 REPORTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE DECEASED TYPE: REPORTED OR VERIFIED Deceased information is added when it is received from a criminal justice agency. Date Reported – date a criminal justice agency notified the WSP. Reporting Agency – agency reporting the deceased information. There are two types of deceased information. Reported – is received via a letter, disposition, death certificate, etc. Verified – is based on post mortem fingerprints or dental records.
SEX RACE HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES HAIR F W 509 175 BLU BLK ****************************************************************************************** PERSON INFORMATION ******************************************************************************************* SEX RACE HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES HAIR F W 509 175 BLU BLK Person’s physical descriptors. Sex, race, eye, and hair color abbreviations are National Crime Information Center (NCIC) codes. Regardless of the state all RAPsheets use the same NCIC codes. Refer to charts below. Sex: Female – F Male – M Unknown – U Height – feet & inches Weight – pounds Eye: Black – BLK Blue – BLU Brown – BRO Gray – GRY Green – GRN Hazel – HZL Maroon – MAR Multicolored – MUL Pink – PNK Unknown – XX Hair: Black – BLK Blonde or Strawberry – BLN Blue – BLU Brown – BRO Gray or Partially – GRY Green – GRN Orange – ORG Pink – PNK Purple – PLE Red or Auburn – RED Unknown – XXX White – WHI Race: American Indian or Alaskan Native – I Asian or Pacific Islander – A Black – B White – W Unknown – U
****************************************************************************************** PERSON INFORMATION ******************************************************************************************* PLACE OF BIRTH CITIZENSHIP WA US Place of birth is the person’s state or country of birth. Citizenship is the person’s country of citizenship. OTHER NAMES USED OTHER DATES OF SOC SEC. MISC. PEPPER,SEASONING BIRTH USED NUMBER NUMBER INSTATE,RECORD 06/22/1986 AF-12233999 Other names Used – birth names, nicknames, street, gang name, etc. Other dates of birth used – alias dates of births. Social Security Number – is not disseminated on a conviction RAPsheet. Miscellaneous Number – military, US Passport numbers, etc. COMMENTS: TWIN, TRUE NAME UNKNOWN Comments – pertinent data that does not have a designated field.
CONVICTION AND ADVERSE FINDING SUMMARY ****************************************************************************************** CONVICTION AND ADVERSE FINDING SUMMARY ******************************************************************************************* a) 2 FELONY(S) c) DISPOSITION DATE RAPE OF A CHILD 1 b) CLASS A FELONY 07/20/2010 RESIDENTIAL BURG CLASS B FELONY 08/30/2007 1 GROSS MISDEMEANOR(S) ASSAULT-4 10/28/2015 1 MISDEMEANOR(S) OPR OFF-ROAD VEH W/UNDER THE INFLUENCE 04/17/2012 1 CLASSIFICATION (S) UNKNOWN DRUG RELATE CHARGE 04/17/2012 Summary of convictions and adverse findings and disposition date. a) Number of each type of offense and literal. b) Felonies include the degree of felony. Class A the most serious. Class B. Class C. c) Disposition Date – date the disposition was signed by the judge.
CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION ******************************************************************************************* DOC SUMMARY ******************************************************************************************* a) RAPE OF A CHILD 1 b) COMMITMENT c) 05/29/2010 RESIDENTIAL BURG COMMITMENT 07/01/2001 Summary of DOC commitments and supervisions. a) Offense literal b) Type of contact with DOC (commitment-housed in prison, supervision-released into the community). c) Date of offense – date of the offense. ******************************************************************************************* CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION ******************************************************************************************* THE ARRESTS LISTED MAY HAVE BEEN BASED ON PROBABLE CAUSE AT THE TIME OF ARREST OR ON A WARRANT. PROBABLE CAUSE ARRESTS MAY OR MAY NOT RESULT IN THE FILING OF CHARGES. CONTACT THE ARRESTING AGENCY FOR INFORMATION ON THE FORMAL CHARGES AND/OR DISPOSITIONS. AN ARREST IS NOT A CONVICTION OR FINDING OF GUILT.
a) ARREST 8 b) DATE OF ARREST: 11/30/2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) ARREST 8 b) DATE OF ARREST: 11/30/2015 c) NAME USED: PEPPER,SEASONING d) CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF e) LOCAL ID: A123456 f) PCN: 007806388 g) TCN: WA4000100050755891 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrest – each arrest is numbered. Date of Arrest – the date of the fingerprinting event (booking). The arrests are in chronological date order with the newest date appearing first. Name Used – the name the person gave at the time of the fingerprinting event, may or may not be their true name. Contributing Agency – the agency doing the fingerprinting and who will electronically transmit or mail the record to the Section. Local ID – any number the agency assigns to identify this arrest to the person. PCN – Process control number, a unique tracking number used by the Section and the courts to facilitate the electronic submission of disposition to the Section. TCN – Transaction control number, a unique assigned at the time of the fingerprinting event or by the Section. This number is used by the Section for tracking and archive purposes.
a) 0763300 DRIVE W/LICENSE SUSP OR: | REVOKED-3 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARREST 8 DATE OF ARREST: 11/30/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST OFFENSES a) 0763300 DRIVE W/LICENSE SUSP OR: | REVOKED-3 | b) RCW: 46.20.342(1)(C) | c) GROSS MISDEMEANOR | d) ORIGINATING AGENCY: WA0340000| THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF | e) OIN: B554468 | f) DISPO RESPONSIBILITY: WA034013J| g) COURT CASE NO: C12312X | h) DATE OF OFFENSE: 10/15/2014 | | RCW based crime code and literal. RCW relating to the offense. Offense classification is the degree. Originating Agency – agency who initiated the case. Contact this agency regarding this arrest. OIN – other identifying number, normally. the citation or incident number. Dispo Responsibility – ORI of the court hearing the case. Normally the prosecutor determines which court will hear the case. Court Case NO - court case number assigned to the case, may not be known at the time of fingerprinting event. Date of Offense – the date the offense occurred, this is normally the same date as the arrest date.
|a) DISPOSITION CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARREST 8 DATE OF ARREST: 11/30/2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | DISPOSITION |a) DISPOSITION CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: | WA034013J THURSTON COUNTY | DISTRICT COURT | |b) STATUS: DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED ORI of the court hearing the case and literal Status – disposition of the case (often referred to as the finding, outcome, adjudication, etc.) This arrest is considered open since it is less than one year and does not have a disposition. It will remain on a conviction RAPsheet until it is over one year old and does not have a disposition. Once the arrest is over one year it will no longer appear on a conviction RAPsheet. Note: Only a disposition of guilty or adverse findings plus arrests without a disposition less than one year old will appear on a conviction RAPsheet.
ARREST 6 DATE OF ARREST: 04/12/2012 NAME USED: SEASONING,PEPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST 6 DATE OF ARREST: 04/12/2012 NAME USED: SEASONING,PEPPER CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF LOCAL ID: B123123 PCN: 009987088 TCN: WA4000100050755818 ARREST OFFENSES | DISPOSITION | CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: | WA034123J THURSTON COUNTY | COURT CASE NO: 1215544XX | |a) STATUS: ACQUITTED BY REASON | OF INSANITY | 0014200 MURDER-2 | RCW: 9A.32.050(2) | CLASS B FELONY | STATUS DATE: 05/15/2012 a) Status - adverse finding. The status is not favorable to the person.
ARREST 6 DATE OF ARREST: 04/12/2012 NAME USED: SEASONING,PEPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST 6 DATE OF ARREST: 04/12/2012 NAME USED: SEASONING,PEPPER CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF LOCAL ID: B123123 PCN: 009987088 TCN: WA4000100050755818 ARREST OFFENSES | DISPOSITION | STATUS: ACQUITTED BY REASON | OF INSANITY | 0014200 MURDER-2 | | b) APPEALED DATE: 06/20/2012 | c) DIVISION I COURT OF APPEALS | d) CASE NO: X0295-X | e) JUDGMENT DATE: 08/28/2012 | f) JUDGMENT: AFFIRM Appealed court case. b) Appealed Date – the date of the appeal. c) The designated court of appeals to hear this case. *Division I – King County *Division II – Pierce County *Division III – Spokane County d) Case NO. – appellate court case number. e) Judgment Date – appellate court judgment date (disposition date). f) Judgment – appellate court judgment (disposition).
ARREST 5 DATE OF ARREST: 03/12/2012 NAME USED: PEPPER,SEASONING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST 5 DATE OF ARREST: 03/12/2012 NAME USED: PEPPER,SEASONING CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF LOCAL ID: AB123123 PCN: 004503821 TCN: WA4000100050755859 | DISPOSITION | CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: | WA034013J THURSTON COUNTY | DISTRICT COURT | COURT CASE NO: CR12345X | | STATUS: GUILTY | 0765900 OPR OFF-ROAD VEH W/UNDER | THE INFLUENCE | RCW: 46.09.120(2) |a) MISDEMEANOR | STATUS DATE: 04/17/2012 |b) COMMENT: 01/13/20013 DISMISSED |c) Sentencing per charge Offense classification – misdemeanor offense. Comment – Update of Dismissed, in the comment field there appears a date and a disposition of dismissed. When the dismissal is in the comment field, it indicates the person has successfully completed all of their sanctions (jail, fine, supervision, etc.). The person is still guilty of the offense. Sentencing – is per charge for gross misdemeanors and misdemeanors to facilitate the electronic submission of disposition information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST 5 DATE OF ARREST: 03/12/2012 NAME USED: PEPPER,SEASONING CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF LOCAL ID: AB123123 PCN: 004503821 TCN: WA4000100050755859 | STATUS: GUILTY | 0739900 DRUG RELATED CHARGE | RCW: 69.00.000 |d) CLASS UNKNOWN | STATUS DATE: 04/17/20 d) Offense classification – this offense does not have a degree (class unknown). Contact the court for more information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST 4 DATE OF ARREST: 05/29/2010 NAME USED: PIED,PIPER CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF LOCAL ID: OPD25477 PCN: 0004503635 TCN: WA4000100050755867 | DISPOSITION |CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: | WA034123J THURSTON COUNTY | SUPERIOR COURT | COURT CASE NO: 10100XX70 | | STATUS: GUILTY | RCW: 9A.44.073(2)(A) | 0081600 RAPE OF A CHILD-1 |a) CLASS A FELONY | STATUS DATE: 07/20/2010 |b) SENTENCE: | CONVICTED BY JURY CTS 1 AND 2 ON | 07/20/2010 SENTENCED TO 371 MOS | COUNT 1; 14 MOS COUNT 2,CC; a) Offense classification – class A felony. b) Sentence – felony sentencing information entered in paragraph format, not per charge (facilitates the electronic submission of disposition information). For questions regarding the sentence formation or meaning of abbreviations, contact the court.
ARREST 2 DATE OF ARREST: 06/02/2007 NAME USED: PIED,PIPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARREST 2 DATE OF ARREST: 06/02/2007 NAME USED: PIED,PIPER CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF LOCAL ID: 456789 PCN: 007806396 TCN: WA4000100050755729 When a person is convicted of a felony they lose the right to vote, hold public office, sit on a jury, and their gun rights. When the person has successfully completed all of their sanctions their rights are restored except their gun rights. In order to get gun rights back, they must petition the court. Subsequent Disposition – gun rights restored. Date – date the court order was signed. ORI – ORI of the court reinstating the gun rights. Comment – RCW the gun rights were restored under. Gun rights can be lost again, if the person is convicted of a subsequent disqualifying offense. | DISPOSITION |CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: | WA034123J THURSTON COUNTY | SUPERIOR COURT | COURT CASE NO: 0610089XX | | STATUS: GUILTY | 02310 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | CLASS B FELONY |a) SUBSEQUENT DISPOSITION: RIGHT TO | POSSES A FIREARM RESTORED |b) DATE: 10/31/2010 |c) ORI: WA034123J |d) COMMENT: 9.41.040(4)
STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS **************************************************************************************************** STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTODY HISTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a)*COMMITMENT* b) DATE: 07/21/2010 c) NAME USED: EXAMPLE,MARY Q d) DOC NUMBER: 999999 e) CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA023025C WA DOC-SHELTON CORRECTIONS f) TCN: WA4000100050755972 Fingerprint card submitted by DOC for commitments and supervisions. Commitment – person is housed in prison. Supervision – person has been released into the community and is being supervised by DOC. Date – of the fingerprinting event. Name Used – name of the person. DOC Number – number assigned by DOC, not based on fingerprint comparison. TCN – the Section’s archive and tracking number. Contributing Agency – ORI and name of the prison or prison facility completing the fingerprinting event.
g) COURT CASE NO: 10100XX70 h) COUNTY/STATE: THURSTON i) CHARGE: 0081600 RAPE OF A CHILD-1 CLASS A FELONY 9A.44.073(2) j) DOO: 05/29/2010 k) CDD: 07/21/2010 l) CPL: CT 1 371 MOS (INCLUDES 12 MOS CS DW ENHANCEMENT) g) Court Case NO – the number assigned by the court. h) County/State – county/state where the court case was heard. i) Charge – for which the person is going to prison for or being supervised on. j) DOO – date of the offense. k) CDD – court disposition date. l) CPL – court provision literal, the sentencing information.
m) COURT CASE NO: 10100XX70 COUNTY/STATE THURSTON n) CHARGE: 0102200 ASSAULT-2 CLASS B FELONY 9A.36.021(2)(A) WEAPON DOO: 05/29/2010 CDD: 07/20/2010 o) CPL: 14 MOS CT II CC m) Court Case NO – the court case number for a second offense being served concurrently. Charge – the second offense and RCW. The subparagraphs (2)(A) include the degree and the weapon enhancement. CPL – the sentencing for the second offense.
CUSTODY STATUS INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTODY STATUS INFORMATION a) NAME: TESTREC,POOSHY b) DATE: 11/01/2014 c) DOC NUMBER: 999999 d) CUSTODY STATUS: ABSCOND e) TYPE: DOC OFFENDER f) LOCATION: HOGWARTS g) RISK LEVEL CLASSIFICATION: HIGH NON-VIOLENT h) **VIOLENT OFFENDER** **SEX/KIDNAPPING OFFENDER** NON-VERIFIED CUSTODY STATUS INFORMATION-PROVIDED BY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS) Information provided to the Section via an interface with DOC. This information is not supported by fingerprint identification. For questions regarding this information contact DOC. Name – master name on the DOC file. Date – date this record was last reviewed. DOC Number – the DOC number. Custody Status – status of the inmate (inmate, escaped, absconded, etc.). Type – type of offender. Location – location where the person is located. Risk Level Classification – what type of risk is the person. Comment field – additional place for pertinent information.
SEX/KIDNAPPING OFFENDER REGISTRATION **************************************************************************************************** SEX/KIDNAPPING OFFENDER REGISTRATION EVENTS a) TYPE: SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION | b) NAME USED: SEASOINING,PEPPER | c) DATE: 10/12/2013 | d) CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA034000 | THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF | e) PLACE OF CONVICTION: WA | This information is fingerprint based, but is not an arrest. The sheriff’s offices are designated in Washington state for overseeing sex/kidnapping offender registrations. WSP is the central repository for offender registrations. Type – type of registration, sex, kidnapping, or sex/kidnapping registration. Name Used – name of the person. Date – date of the fingerprint event. Contributing Agency – sheriff’s office contributing the registration information. Place of conviction – state or county of conviction.
APPLICANT INFORMATION **************************************************************************************************** APPLICANT INFORMATION a) TYPE: PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION b) DATE: 01/03/2000 c) FINGERPRINT REASON: PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION d) NAME USED: PIED,PIPER e) CONTRIBUTING AGENCY: WA0340000 THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF f) LOCAL ID: 000825 When a person has been the victim of identity theft, compromised identity, or has diminished mental capabilities they may voluntarily place their fingerprints on file as a personal identification record. A SID number is assigned and the person receives a conviction RAPsheet and a letter stating, “they may have been the victim of identity theft or have diminished mental capabilities”. TYPE – type of retained applicant fingerprints. Date – date of the fingerprinting event. Fingerprint Reason – reason for this fingerprinting event. Name Used – name the person used at the time of the fingerprinting event. Contributing Agency – agency taking the fingerprints. Local ID – a number assigned by the agency taking the fingerprints. Note: Individuals who create a personal identification record as part of a Compromised Identity Claim (CIC) receive a CIC card to carry with them, see next slide.
Compromised Identity Claim Card On the front of the card: A photograph Right thumb print SID number On the back of the card: Person’s name Person’s date of birth Signature and date Section staff signature and date For more information contact the Criminal History Support Unit at (360) 534-2000 option 5.
**************************************************************************************************** a) GLOSSARY OF TERMS IS AVAILABLE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING MANUAL… b) RESOURCES a) The glossary of terms is available online b) List of commonly used resource telephone numbers and websites.
Section Contact Information Main Number: (360) 534-2000 Address: WSP, Identification and Criminal History Section PO Box 42633, Olympia WA 98504-2633 Background Check Unit: (360) 534-2000 Option 2 Criminal History Support Unit: (360) 534-2000 Option 5 Training Unit: (360) 534-2180