North America Chapter MEMS/NEMS Global Technical Committee Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems Liaison Report February 2017
About SEMI Standards Established in 1973 Experts from the microelectronic, display, photovoltaic, and related industries Exchange ideas and develop globally-accepted technical standards We are international United States | Japan | Europe | Taiwan | Korea | China High-Profile SEMI Standards Wafer Dimensions, Materials Metrics (Factory efficiency/equipment reliability) Equipment Interface SEMI Equipment Communication Standards (SECS) / Generic Equipment Model (GEM) Hardware/Automated Material Handling Systems (including 300 mm, 450 mm) Environmental, Health and Safety Safety for semiconductor (S2) and FPD (S26), Energy conservation (S23) Photovoltaic
North America MEMS / NEMS Technical Committee Chapter Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) / Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) Current Committee Structure North America MEMS / NEMS Technical Committee Chapter MEMS Packaging TF (Inactive) MEMS International Terminology TF (Inactive) MEMS Wafer Bond TF (Inactive) MEMS Reliability TF (Inactive) MEMS Microfluidics TF MEMS Material Characterization TF MEMS Substrate TF
Current Activities SNARF Doc. 5267, New Standard: Specification for Microfluidic Port and Pitch Dimensions Working on revising SNARF to reflect new activities happening (ISO/IWA:23, Guidelines for pitch spacing dimensions and initial device classification, published Sept 2016, References SEMI MS 6, 7, 9) SNARF Doc. 6007, New Standard: Specification for a Test Pattern for Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) Process Characterization Draft Doc work in-progress To participate in this activity, contact Rich Allen/NIST ( SNARF Doc. 6018, New Standard: Specification for Silicon Substrates used in fabrication of MEMS Devices Draft Doc work in-progress, initial proposal from WG Joint SEMI-MSIG To participate in this activity, contact Rich Allen/NIST and Chris Moore/Bay- Tech Resor (
Standards up for Five-Year Review SEMI MS10-0912, Test Method to Measure Fluid Permeation Through MEMS Packaging Materials SEMI MS1-0812, Guide to Specifying Wafer-Wafer Bonding Alignment Targets
MEMS/NEMS Participating Companies* Concurrent Analysis Diagnostics Biosensors FM Approvals Fraunhofer Fujifilm Intel Kesar Technology LG Innotek Maxim Integrated NIST Nordson ASYMTEK OSRAM Pall Corporation Semilab Sonoscan Tesec Toray Engineering Wistron * Partial List
MEMS Standards Developed MS1 – Guide to Specifying Wafer-Wafer Bonding Alignment Targets MS2 – Test Method for Step-Height Measurements of Thin Films MS3 – Terminology for MEMS Technology MS4 – Test Method for Young's Modulus Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Based on the Frequency of Beams in Resonance MS5 – Test Method for Wafer Bond Strength Measurements Using Micro- Chevron Test Structures MS6 – Guide for Design and Materials for Interfacing Microfluidic Systems MS7 – Specification for Microfluidic Interfaces to Electronic Device Packages MS8 – Guide to Evaluating Hermeticity of MEMS Packages MS9 – Specification for High Density Permanent Connections Between Microfluidic Devices MS10 – Test Method to Measure Fluid Permeation Through MEMS Packaging Materials
Published Standards [1/10] SEMI MS1 Guide to Specifying Wafer-Wafer Bonding Alignment Targets This Guide provides a framework for specifying the dimensions, location, quantity and characteristics of alignment targets that are placed on each wafer of a pair of wafers. Such targets are used to align two patterned wafers prior to an operation that bonds them together.
Published Standards [2/10] SEMI MS2 Test Method for Step Height Measurements of Thin Films This Test Method enables the determination of step height measurements of thin films. Step height measurements can be used to determine thin film thickness values. Thickness measurements are an aid in the design and fabrication of MEMS devices and can be used to obtain thin film material parameters, such as Young’s modulus.
Published Standards [3/10] SEMI MS3 Terminology for MEMS Technology To promote common understanding and clear communication among suppliers, customers, and others in the field, these terms should be defined. This Terminology document covers definitions of terms used in MEMS technology, especially in those areas of greatest interest to the SEMI community.
Published Standards [4/10] SEMI MS4 Test Method for Young's Modulus Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Based on the Frequency of Beams in Resonance This Test Method covers a procedure for measuring Young’s modulus in thin films. It applies only to films, such as found in MEMS materials that can be imaged using a noncontact optical vibrometer, stroboscopic interferometer or comparable instrument that is capable of obtaining the resonance frequency of a beam oscillating out-of-plane.
Published Standards [5/10] SEMI MS5 Test Method for Wafer Bond Strength Measurements Using Micro-Chevron Test Structures This Test Method allows determination of the bond-interface strength, using micro-chevron test structures, of bonded wafer materials. The bond-interface strength is expressed in units of energy per unit area and is technically the critical wafer bond toughness.
Published Standards [6/10] SEMI MS6 Guide for Design and Materials for Interfacing Microfluidic Systems This Document provides guidelines for general fluidic interface design and materials selection that can reduce redundant engineering effort and lead to improved design, manufacturability, and operation.
Published Standards [7/10] SEMI MS7 Specification for Microfluidic Interfaces to Electronic Device Packages This Document defines an industry- standard for fluidic interfaces with electronic devices. The specification describes the connection attributes and specifies the interface dimensions required to design and build devices and systems that are compliant with this standard. The goal is to enable devices from different vendors to interconnect via an open architecture.
Published Standards [8/10] SEMI MS8 Guide to Evaluating Hermeticity of MEMS Packages This Document is intended to provide an overview of hermetic packaging with emphasis on the evaluation of hermeticity of the smaller internal volumes typical of MEMS. Hermeticity is critical to MEMS device functionality. In other cases, hermeticity is primarily important to reliability of MEMS devices, similarly to integrated circuits.
Published Standards [9/10] SEMI MS9 Specification for High Density Permanent Connections Between Microfluidic Devices This Standard provides specification for interconnection dimensions and performance requirements for permanent microfluidic interfaces. It also provides guidance for interface design. This will help to enable low cost and high volume manufacturing of products having high density permanent interfaces between plastic tube adapters, plastic microfluidic cartridges, and electrofluidic devices.
Published Standards [10/10] SEMI MS10 Test Method to Measure Fluid Permeation Through MEMS Packaging Materials This Standard is directed towards defining a common method of measurement of permeation through technical films that are used in sealing hermetic MEMS packages. Areas to be addressed include materials and equipment for producing and evaluating hermetic seals; methods for detection and measurement of leakage; and considerations and recommendations on the evaluation of hermeticity.
Upcoming MEMS / NEMS Meetings In conjunction with the North America Standards Spring 2017 Meetings held April 3-6, 2017. MEMS/NEMS Committee and Task Force Tentative Schedule: Monday, April 3 11:00-12:00 Microfluidics (TF) 13:30-14:30 MEMS Substrate (TF) 14:30-15:30 Material Characterization (TF) 15:30-17:30 MEMS / NEMS (C) For more information and to register for Spring Meetings:
Thank you! For more information regarding MEMS/NEMS North America activities, please contact: Laura Nguyen