Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Freewriting Topics
Frederick Douglass Freewriting Topics 1/4: Tell the story of your birth/name. Why is it important to us to know when and where we were born ? 1/5: What sorts of things do students fight and argue about? Why? Tell the story of one example. 1/6: Define education: what is it and what does it mean to you? How might it change people? 1/9: How would you expect Christians to treat their slaves? Why would/should Christians treat their slaves differently?
Frederick Douglass Freewriting Topics 1/10: What does it mean to be a good neighbor? Tell the story of one example of an act that constitutes neighborliness (or one that illustrates the opposite) from your life or someone you know. 1/11: What is the most useful skill or important lesson you have learned? Why? Tell a story! (Remember, it’s always better to show than tell.) 1/12: Write about a time when you’ve felt truly free.