Preparing for FY16 as a Title I State Charter School


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing for FY16 as a Title I State Charter School 13th Annual Title Programs Conference June 17-18, 2015 Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway 2020 Convention Center Concourse, Atlanta, GA 30337


Presenter Randy Phillips, Ed. D. Georgia Department of Education School Improvement – Federal Programs Title I Education Program Specialist (770) 334-8390

Charter School Waivers Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 Charter School Waivers Charter schools and systems are subject to all provisions outlined in O.C.G.A. 20-2-2065(b). In particular, charter schools may not waive state laws or State Board of Education rules pertaining to health and safety, funding formulas, or accountability provisions. In addition, charter schools may not waive any aspect of Federal law. This includes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (including Title I, Part A), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and all applicable civil rights legislation. Phillips - Title I, Part A

Newly Opened or Significant Growth/Expansion Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 Newly Opened or Significant Growth/Expansion A charter school that is newly opening or significantly expanding its enrollment must provide, in writing to the State educational agency (SEA) or local educational agency (LEA), by April 1 of the preceding year the charter school plans to open or significantly expand. If the charter school does not provide this timely notice, the SEA or LEA is relieved of most of its obligation to provide the federal funds within the five month period. Phillips - Title I, Part A

Significant Growth/Expansion Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 Significant Growth/Expansion In order for a charter school in the State of Georgia to meet qualifications for status as a significantly expanding school, a charter school must meet at least one of the following:  Projected enrollment growth must exceed 33-percent of the previous year’s October FTE-1 enrollment. Expansion of more than one grade level as outlined in a predetermined program growth design in the charter school approved charter or a newly approved charter school amendment.   Phillips - Title I, Part A

Significant Growth/Expansion Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 Significant Growth/Expansion Charter Schools that meet the qualifications for significant expansion will receive an adjusted Title I allocation after the enrollment report of the October FTE-1 and the Free or Reduced Priced Meal reports of the new fiscal year have been successfully verified. Phillips - Title I, Part A

The Role of Educational Management Organizations Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 The Role of Educational Management Organizations The charter school’s governing board has the decision making authority, NOT the educational management organization (EMO). EMO representatives cannot sit on the governing board of a charter school, as this presents a conflict of interest. Phillips - Title I, Part A

The Role of Educational Management Organizations Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 The Role of Educational Management Organizations EMO’s do not approve your plans or budgets! You contract for the services of an EMO – Not visa-versa! EMO intervention could violate your charter! Phillips - Title I, Part A

Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 What Can I Do Now? To Have a Successful FY16 Title I Program Phillips - Title I, Part A

TITLE I IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR FY 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY FY16 LEA CLIP Review Annual Title Programs Conf. Title I Budget Compilation Submit CLIP School Level Planning Mtgs Title I Budget Wksp Conduct/Complete Homeless Surveys SWP Intent Application Title I Annual Mtg. w/ Parents Submit Title I Budget Assess HiQ status of staff/ Obtain Principal Assurance / Notify Parents Attend Regional Title I Mtg. Attend Monitoring Training (If Applicable) Submit FY15 Completion Report Prepare Monitoring Folders (If Applicable) Submit Budget Amendment Schedule TA for Monitoring (If Applicable) Periodic Cert #1 Conduct Annual Inventory Check Review Title I Spending To Date Attend GCEL Collect and Analyze Student Achievement Data Submit Expansion Letter (if Applicable) FY17 LEA CLIP Review Conduct Parent Involvement Meetings/Surveys (Workshops, PI Policy Revisions, etc.) Submit Final Budget Amendment Complete Self-Evaluation Periodic Cert #2 Final LEA CLIP, SWP, PI Policy, & Compact Review Meetings

Cross-Functional Monitoring Schedule FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Atlanta Heights Fulton Leadership Provost CCAT Coweta Charter Ivy Prep @ Kirkwood (Girls) Utopian Ivy Prep Gwinnett Pataula Ivy Prep @ Kirkwood (Young Men) Georgia School for Innovation and the Classics GACA Cherokee Charter Mountain Ed Charter Du Bois Integrity GCA Odyssey Foothills Ed Charter Scintilla Byron Peach

Monitoring Prep Collecting and filing dated documents Nothing is too small to file Remember “No Agenda . . . No Sign-In . . . No Meeting” Written Procedures for everything is needed LEA Procedure Manual If you must explain to someone how to do it . . . A written procedure is required! Develop a learning community . . . We all agree to share! Continual contact with finance officer a must

Eligible Attendance Area Spreadsheet Found on the Program Information Tab of the Consolidated Application In most cases, all information needed is based on October 2014 data All data regardless of source must be from same October You may not use Spring numbers for one count and Fall numbers for the other

Eligible Attendance Area Spreadsheet Existing Charters Enrollment figures - FRM (Poverty) numbers - New or Expanding Charters All numbers will be based on projections Projections will be adjusted after the October 2015 FTE Virtual or other Charters without Lunch Program Enrollment from October 2014 FTE Poverty numbers based on Direct Certified numbers

Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan Aka The CLIP

CLIP Tips Descriptor #1 Descriptors #5, #9, & #21 Descriptor #12 Please focus on analysis of the academic needs of your students in the core subject areas You must include actual performance data especially in the academic areas to be served If not in your CLIP, it cannot be in your budget! Descriptors #5, #9, & #21 Specifically describe how Title I funds will be used Descriptor #12 If Targeted Assistance Program, address multiple selection criteria to be used. All criteria must be educationally related

CLIP Tips Descriptor #13 Descriptor #15 Describe your Title I Program SWP or TA What instructional methods will be implemented? Descriptor #15 Specify how ALL parents are invited and involved in the review, revision, and approval process for ALL Title I documents and procedures What methods will be used to involve all parents? How will you build capacity with parents?

CLIP Tips Descriptors #16 & #17 Descriptor #23 Simply state – “Our school has not been identified as a Priority, Focus, or Title I Alert School thus no interventions are required. If or when the school is identified as such the District will implement all required plans as described in Georgia’s ESEA Waiver.” Descriptor #23 Address how ALL parents have the opportunity to review and revise the CLIP What methods are being implemented to assure all parents have access to this process?

Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement ALL Parents must be involved in the review/revision of ALL Title I plans CLIP SWP/TA Plan School-Parent Compact Parent Involvement Policy (Only one for District/School) Creation of Parental Involvement Activities Required 1% Set-Aside in Budget (if over $500,000 allocation) Distribution Methods need to also be developed Most documents must be distributed by October!

Parental Involvement School- Parent Compacts Annual Title I Meeting Must include feedback from students, parents, teachers, and all other stakeholders Data presented must be directly related to academic school improvement initiatives Utilize the compact throughout the school year as a tool for parental involvement and increasing student achievement Annual Title I Meeting Meeting must be advertised – Keep documentation If on the same days as another meeting, hold Title I portion at a different time

Parental Involvement Charter School parents must be notified that their school is a Title I school – newsletter, webpage, handbook, etc. Parent Meetings Make sure you have detailed agendas, sign-in sheets for every parent meeting Big Issue – Food with Title I Funds Light snacks ONLY at Parental Involvement meetings NO MEALS ALLOWED Remember light snacks for parent activities only. No light snacks of any kind for staff meetings, professional development or testing

Targeted Assistance (TA) Programs Written procedures for identifying eligible students in each content area Must use multiple educationally related criteria List of eligible students in rank order by separate content areas (one list for math – one for reading) List of students served by content area Carefully consider number of content areas served in correlation with Title I allocation

Targeted Assistance (TA) Programs List of scheduling models Should minimize removal of children from regular classroom during school day Must not replace state required “seat” time These facts make TA very difficult at the high school level Copy of teachers’ schedule Copy of class rosters for students receiving Title I services

New Schoolwide Programs While operating as a TA Program for the first year Application For SWP Intent Due August 15th Documentation for planning of new SWP Name of technical assistance provider Copies of dated minutes, timelines, agendas from planning meetings Copy of SWP plan due April 15th

Budget Reminders

Charter School Budget Workshop July 20, 2015 9 AM – 2 PM West Tower of GaDOE 10th Floor – Room A

Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 Availability of Title I Funds 27 Months of Availability 15 Months 12 Months State and Local Fiscal Year July 1 2015 Jan 2016 July 1 2016 Sept 30 2016 Jan 2017 July 1 2017 Sept 30 2017 ADD CHART Funds Become Available To LEAs End of Initial Period of Availability Completion Report Submitted to GaDOE Grantees May Carry Over Funds Until This Time Phillips - Title I, Part A

Program Basics The amount of federal funds used in a Title I School program must be supplemental to the amount of state and local funds the school receives Title I Funds General State and Local Funds

Supplement vs. Supplant Charter Schools: Federal Programs 101 - FY15 Supplement vs. Supplant All federal fund expenditures or activities must be above and beyond (supplement) what is required by state or local regulation. Ask yourself . . . Would I have to do this if federal funds were not available? If the answer is yes . . . Then using federal funds would be considered supplanting. Phillips - Title I, Part A

Title I Program Basics Budget Process Chart of Accounts (Function & Object Codes) 1000 – Instructional (Students) 2210 – Staff Development (Teachers) 2230 – Central Office Administration 2900 – Support Services (Parents) 2700 – Student Travel (Field Trips – Be Cautious!!!) Title I is in actuality a reimbursement program Personal reimbursement is NOT an option! Instructional program must be evident through budget Learn/Know your LEA’s financial internal controls

Title I Program Basics Budget Process Title I director must pre-approve all Title I purchases with signature and date. Signature and date must pre-date the purchase Electronic signature is acceptable (with appropriate audit trail/documentation) All Title I purchases must be directly supporting the school’s needs assessment

Class-Size Reduction Class-Size Reduction Teachers Only possible in SWP Title I Schools Federal funds can only be used to reduce class- size for classes that contain students funded with regular FTE weight. (i.e. no gifted-based, special education-based) A class-size reduction worksheet must be completed and attached to the Con App Narrative justifying need for class-size reduction and describing strategies to be employed

Class-Size Reduction Class-Size Reduction Teachers Class size reduction must be supported in the school’s schoolwide plan/needs assessment Questions to be asked by Title I Director: Is reducing class size based on comprehensive needs assessment? What is the identified problem academic area? Is this effort only to reduce number of papers a teacher must grade or to implement an actual academic strategy?

Inventory Monitoring

Entry of Information into Inventory Records Inventory Records should include: @[2 C.F.R. Part 200.313(d)(1)] Description Serial Number/Identification Number Funding Source and Percentage of Source Vendor Acquisition Date and Unit Cost Location Use (Student Instruction, Professional Development, Parent Involvement, etc.) Condition Disposition (including sale price, if applicable) A description of the equipment. A serial number, model number, or other identification number. The funding source and percentage under which the equipment was acquired. Note: Equipment purchased with federal funds shall be identified to indicate federal ownership by specific federal program (e.g. items purchased with Title I Part A monies must be marked as Title I, Part A with grant award year.) The source of property/vendor. The acquisition date and unit cost. The present location of the equipment. Indication of the use of the equipment. For example, Title I classroom, Title I afterschool program, Title I Administration, etc. The condition of the equipment. The date the information was reported on the inventory. Who holds title to the equipment? If funds from more than one program was used to purchase the equipment then each programs should be listed as the Title, and if possible, notation of percentage should be listed. All pertinent information on the final transfer, replacement, or disposition of the equipment (including the date of disposal and sale price of the equipment). Inventory must be updated as equipment items are purged or new purchases are made. Equipment items purchased with federal funds are to be identified and physically marked as noted above. Adequate safeguards must be in place related to the loss, damage, or theft of the equipment. Any loss, damage, or theft should be investigated and fully documented. Adequate maintenance procedures should be implemented to keep the equipment in good condition. A physical inventory of equipment items must be taken and the results reconciled with the inventory records at least once every two years.

Physical Inventory Physical Inventory shall be taken and results reconciled at least once every two years. States may require standards above and beyond federal law – thus Georgia requires annual inventory checks Purpose of physical inventory is to verify the existence of equipment. current utilization of equipment – is equipment being used for intended purpose. the continued need of equipment. the condition of the equipment. A physical inventory of equipment purchased with federal funds shall be taken and the results reconciled with the equipment records at least once every two years in accordance with EDGAR 80.32(d)(1-2). Any differences between quantities determined by the physical inspection and those shown in the accounting records shall be investigated to determine the causes of the difference.

It’s sometimes dependent on which direction you look at things!


Title I, Part A Program Specialists’ Contact Information Area Name Office Telephone Email 1 Robyn Planchard (404) 985-3808 2 Randy Phillips (770) 221-5232 3 Anthony Threat (706) 615-0367 4 Evelyn Maddox (404) 975-3145 5 Judy Alger (229) 321-9305 6 Grace McElveen (912) 334-0802 7 Jimmy Everson (229) 723-2664 11/14/2018

Title I, Part A Program Specialists’ Contact Information Area Name Office Telephone Email 8 Marijo Pitts-Sheffield (912) 269-1216 9 Kathy Pruett (706) 540-8959 10 Elaine Dawsey (478) 971-0114 11 Olufunke Osunkoya (678) 704-3557 12 Bobby Trawick (229) 246-1976 13 Ken Banter (478) 960-2255 14 Tammy Wilkes (478) 237-2873 11/14/2018

Presenter Randy Phillips, Ed. D. Georgia Department of Education School Improvement – Federal Programs Title I Education Program Specialist (770) 334-8390

Preparing for FY16 as a Title I State Charter School 13th Annual Title Programs Conference June 17-18, 2015 Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway 2020 Convention Center Concourse, Atlanta, GA 30337