Scripture Alone: The Relevance of God's Word in Youth Ministry 2 Timothy 3 James Wainaina iServe Africa
Scripture Alone: The Relevance of God's Word in Youth Ministry Is the Bible still relevant for Youth ministry in this century and age of internet and media? How does God deal with contemporary issues affecting us today? By giving us an inspired word. By giving us sufficient word. God’s word does the work of transformation among the youth.
Scripture Alone: The Relevance of God's Word in Youth Ministry Talk #3 Discussion Questions What is your understanding of the last days and do you think we are living in the last days? (2 Tim 3:1) Are there contemporary issues in Malawi that you can see affecting youth ministry and what do you think is the solution to the deepest issues facing youth in Malawi? E.g. Procurement scandals, corruption and public greed, social issues such as marriage, family, globalization, social media, abortion, same sex issues, divorce etc. Do you think that a proclamation of the gospel and the word of God is powerful enough to bring a transformation among the youth? (2 Timothy 3:14- 17) What would you do if you realize young girls in your youth ministry are getting pregnant out of wedlock and there is a lot of pre-marital sex in the youth group? How does chapter 3 shape our thinking on lifelong transformation of our youth and the church at large?