Purpose and Description State requirement, and reflects budget and actual revenue and expenditures from July 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016 Contains changes since First Interim Certified by School Board, reviewed by LACOE, and submitted to CA Dept. of Education All funds Multi-year projections for 2016-2017 & 2017-2018
The Budget Reporting Cycle Adopted LCAP & Budget (2015-16) Unaudited Actuals 2014-2015 1st Interim Financial Report Governor’s Budget Proposal 2nd Interim Financial Report May Revise Preliminary LCAP & Budget Adopted LCAP & (2016-17) September May & June LCAP December January May March We Are Here
Budget Assumptions
2015-2016 second INTERIM REPORT ASSUMPTIONS 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Average Daily Attendance 9,831 9,935 9,945 9,955 Total Enrollment 10,160 10,268 10,278 10,288 Unduplicated Pupil Count 3,826 3,858 +104 +108 +32 STRS 18-19 16.28% 19-20 18.13% 20-21 19.1% PERS 18-19 18.2% 19-20 19.9% 20-21 20.4%
2015-2016 second INTERIM REPORT ASSUMPTIONS 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 GAP % Funding 30% 51.97% 49.08% 45.34% State Categorical COLA for Special Education Funding 0.85% 1.02% 0.47% 2.13% Lottery – Unrestricted Lottery - Restricted $128 $34 Mandate Block Grant – K-8 Mandate Block Grant – 9-12 $28 $56 One-Time Mandate Funding $180 $529 $214 $0 STRS 18-19 16.28% 19-20 18.13% 20-21 19.1% PERS 18-19 18.2% 19-20 19.9% 20-21 20.4%
2015-2016 second INTERIM REPORT ASSUMPTIONS 2016-2017 2017-2018 STRS Rates 10.73% 12.58% 14.43% PERS Rates 11.847% 13.05% 16.6% Health & Welfare Cap Increase $500 $0 STRS 18-19 16.28% 19-20 18.13% 20-21 19.1% PERS 18-19 18.2% 19-20 19.9% 20-21 20.4%
2015-2016 General Fund Budget Information
2015-2016 general fund revenues (in millions) Total Revenues $101.5 Title I, II, III, IDEA, Perkins, Medi-Cal Mandated Costs, Lottery, Mental Health Educator Effectiveness Rents, Interest, Donations, SELPA Home-to-School Transportation
2015-2016 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES (in millions) Total Expenses $100.7 TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS $78.1 77%
Unrestricted General Fund Changes First Interim Second Interim Change Revenue $79.5 million $79.9 million $400,000 Increase for additional donations made to the district Expenditures $77.0 million $78.6 million $1.6 million $1.0 million for textbooks/instructional materials $500,000 for technology purchases $100,000 for expenditures related to donations Excess of Revenues over Expenditures $2.5 million $1.3 million ($1.2 million)
Restricted General Fund Changes First Interim Second Interim Change Revenue $21.6 million $0 No changes Expenditures $22.6 million $22.1 million ($500,000) Expenditures for Educator Effectiveness Grant were reduced and will be budgeted in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures ($1.0 million)
Multi-Year projections
State drop due to one time mandate money
2015-2016 Expenditures $100.7 million 2016-2017 Expenditures Orange - Debt Service & IDC – same Purple - Capital Outlay – decrease in 16-17 due to no carryover Pink - Services – Increasing in out years because of CPI (2.5% in 16-17 and 2.9% in 17-18) Aqua – Books & Supplies – Decreasing due to no carryover and reduced one-time money and then increasing it for CPI Lime green – Benefits increasing for additional salary costs for step& col and vacancies reinstated in 16-17 and for STRS & PERS increase Yellow & Blue – Classified and Certificated salaries increase in 16-17 for vacancies and step and col for both years out Overall unrestricted carryover ($410k) and unrestricted one-time money ($1.5m); restricted carryover ($1m) and restricted educator effectiveness grant ($673k) 2015-2016 Expenditures $100.7 million 2016-2017 Expenditures $98.4 million 2017-2018 Expenditures $100.8 million
General Fund Ending Balance Beginning Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Balance
ENDING GENERAL FUND BALANCES (in millions) 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Total Revenues $ 101.5 $ 101.0 $ 102.0 Total Expenditures ($ 100.7) ($ 98.4) ($ 101.0) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ .7 $2.6 $ 1.1 Beginning Fund Balance $ 11.2 $ 11.9 $ 14.6 Ending Fund Balance $ 15.7 2016-2017 Revenue decrease for decrease in 1x $ mandated money, 1x $ educator effectiveness grant, Ca Energy Commission 2016-2017 Expenditures increase for step and column, vacancies re-budgeted, increase STRS & PERS,
COMPONENTS OF ENDING GENERAL FUND BALANCE 2015-2016 % 2016-2017 2017-2018 Non-Spendable: Revolving Cash Stores $90,000 $29,000 0.09 0.01 Restricted $.5 million 0.5 $.3 million 0.3 - Reserve for Economic Uncertainties $3 million 3.0 Assignments: Textbooks One-time Technology Facilities LCFF Reserve $1 million $.2 million $.6 million $0 1.0 0.2 0.6 $4.1 million 4.2 $2.8 million 2.8 Unassigned Amounts $6.0 million 6.0 $5 million 5.1 $7.6 million 7.6 Ending Balance $ 11.9 million 11.9 $ 14.6 million 14.8 $ 15.7 million 15.6 2016-2017 Revenue decrease for decrease in 1x $ mandated money, 1x $ educator effectiveness grant, Ca Energy Commission 2016-2017 Expenditures increase for step and column, vacancies re-budgeted, increase STRS & PERS,
OTHER FUNDS Facilities School Age Care Food Services
2015-2016 Other Funds Child Dev. Fund 12 Cafeteria Fund 13 Building Fund Fund 21 Revenues $ 2,527,000 $ 2,282,100 $ 200,000 Expenditures ($ 2,533,850) ($ 2,304,165) ($ 23,564,244) Excess (Deficiency) ($ 6,850) ($ 22,065) ($ 24,216,983) Beginning Balance $ 451,340 $ 223,070 $ 36,374,586 Ending Balances $ 444,490 $ 201,005 $ 12,357,603
2015-2016 Other Funds Capital Facilities Fund 25 Special Reserves Capital Projects Fund 49 Revenues $ 350,500 $ 1,250 $ 809,000 Expenditures ($ 1,111,426) ($ 83,361) ($ 928,547) Excess (Deficiency) ($ 794,001) ($ 82,111) ($ 119,547) Beginning Balance $ 2,595,202 $ 532,694 $ 2,739,876 Ending Balances $ 1,801,201 $ 450,583 $ 2,620,329
Next Steps Submit Positive Certification of 2015-2016 Second Interim to the Los Angeles County of Education May - Attend School Services of California Conference on Governor’s 2016-2017 “Revised” Budget Proposals June - present the 2016-2017 Preliminary Budget Report with the projected budgets for 2017-18 and 2018-2019, along with the 2015-2016 estimated actual amounts