Introduction to Cells Review
The building blocks of life. CELL
Cells working in teams. TISSUES
Scientist known for contributing to the “Cell Theory”. VIRCHOW
Organisms made of a single cell. UNICELLULAR
A cell that contains a nucleus and a complicated internal structure. EUKARYOTIC
Scientist who observed “animalcules”, also known as bacteria and protozoan. Van LEEUWENHOEK
Any living thing; independent living. ORGANISM
The idea that all living things are composed of one or more cells. CELL THEORY
Another name for a cell with no nucleus; bacteria. PROKARYOTIC
Scientist who observed the first cells. HOOKE
Two or more populations living in the same area. COMMUNITY
An organism made up of many cells. MULTICELLULAR
Organisms of the same kind living in the same area. POPULATION
Scientist who studied plant cells. SCHLEIDEN
Ecosystems co-existing in a large geographical area. BIOME
Tissues working together. ORGANS
Structures within a cell that help it survive. ORGANELLES
Communities of organisms and nonliving environmental factors. ECOSYSTEM
Organs working together. ORGAN SYSTEM
Scientist who studied animal cells. SCHWANN
(animal, plant & bacteria) What type of cell has three main parts; cell membrane, cytoplasm and DNA? ALL CELLS (animal, plant & bacteria)
What type of cell has a cell wall? PLANT
What type of cell is prokaryotic? BACTERIA
What type of cell comes in many shapes and sizes? ALL CELLS (animal, plant & bacteria)
What type of cells can be classified into somatic and sex cells? ANIMAL & PLANT (multicellular organisms)
What type of cell contains a very complicated system of internal structures? ANIMAL & PLANT
What type of cell can perform photosynthesis? PLANT
What type of cell is eukaryotic? ANIMAL & PLANT
Why are cells the “building blocks of life”? All living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function for all living things. Cells have the ability to reproduce to allow for growth and development. Cells work together to form tissues, organs, organ systems, etc.