Bellwork p. 30 (5 min) Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of having one Biblical translation vs. many translations.
Comparing Translations (20 min) [still p. 30] 1. Use a two-column chart and your phone 2. Pick 5 verses to write side-by-side (King James on the left, your choice on the right) **I will provide the passages** ~~Notice how diction affects meaning~~
Around the Room (10 min) [p. 31] **Free Float** Leave one group member’s notebook. At each group’s passage, note one place where difference of diction seems to affect meaning.
3-2-1 Review (5-10 min) [p. 29] In your notebook, list: 3 features of a parable 2 argumentative claims about Biblical translations 1 reason the King James Bible is important historically