Using the MBTI in Career Exploration Exploration based on “Heart of Type” Adapted from CPP “Counseling to Type” Workshop
Hearts of Type ST SF NF NT The practical, matter-of-fact types. Want to get it right, be accurate. SF The sympathetic and friendly types. Want to provide practical service. NF The enthusiastic and insightful types. Want to make a meaningful difference NT The logical and ingenious types. Want to create global systems After lunch This am we talked about using the preferences individually, first with how do we pick up behavioral cues before someone has taken the assessment second with what each of the 8 preferences need to respond well to counseling Lets take it up a notch and start putting some letters together Want to look at how the middle letters affect counseling to type Many of you know from past woerkshops that the middle letters are also known as the heart of type they describe our values, what is most important to us, they are the core of our personality, its who we are and why we want to do it. isabel myers thought that middle letters had the most to do with career choices, P.33 of itt, We want to look at what the 4 hearts of type might want counseling to be like Have a friend who is an ST counselor, who wants counseling to be straight-forward and businesslike and believes that all other types should respond well to this philosophy because just makes sense to her She has a notebook that she has all of her clients go through, full of charts and grids to fill out So when she has an NF cleint, she has them go through the same notebook, saying that they need this kind of structure. And they might, but you will lose them before they ever get through the program she designed. Need to start with their heart, what is most important to them, with strategies that they’ll relate to and feel comfortable Then introduce the opposite to make sure they are making a well rounded decision and are covering all the bases Do the opposite, but still in a way that appeals to the heart
Typical College Majors Heart of Type and Typical College Majors
Heart of Type and Career Fields
Key Career Concepts
Following Your Heart in Career Decision Making SENSING INTUITION Do I have the skills to do the job? Are there resources that I will need to do the job? Will there be adequate training? What does it pay? Will I have the opportunity to use my own ideas? Will the job change with the times so I won’t become obsolete? How does this fit with my broader interests? THINKING FEELING What are the pros/cons? How will taking this job affect my career? Will I have the authority to follow through on my decisions? What do I like/dislike? Do the goals of the organization fit my value system? Do co-workers seem to get along? Show them this slide and lead into the next discussion. This slide shows the kind of questions you identified, separated into the four middle letters, hearts of type This slide shows four sets of questions, grouped by 4 middle functions Organized by the Z model Acccoring to isabel myers, we ideally want to move through decsion making in this order other theorists have said we’ll start with our favorite one first, also known as the dominant and move through the others Want to stick with just our comfort area, middle letters Of course we want to counsel by type, that’s the hook But to make a balanced, well round decision, need to use all 4 functions As nf, start off with talking about options, and how options match my values Then bring in question in opposite quadrants Start questions that appeal to the most and then make sure you hit all 4 quadrants Go back to partner, label each question, and talk about whether you would need to bring in questions from the other quadrants Which quadrant did your questions come out of We all have blind spots, so if counseling nf, need to remind them the st kind of things because this could be easily overlooked 6