© FIOH | Solovieva S| www.ttl.fi NORDIC OCCUPATIONAL REGISTER: A TOOL FOR ESTIMATION OF THE POTENTIAL OF WORKPLACE AND POPULATION LEVEL INTERVENTIONS. Participating Institutions Research group: Svetlana Solovieva (Consortium coordinator) Eira Viikari-Juntura Taina Leinonen Kirsti Husgafvel-Pursiainen Research group: Elsa Bach Jacob Pedersen Research group: Ingrid Sivesind Mehlum Therese Nordberg Hanvold Petter Kristensen © FIOH | Solovieva S| www.ttl.fi
General aims of the project to build up a Nordic Occupational Register to utilize the constructed register to assess the effectiveness of interventions targeted at increasing work participation at population level Specific aims: to quantify the burden of musculoskeletal diseases and mental disorders on work participation and estimate the potential impact of workplace interventions to estimate working life expectancy and to quantify the burden of musculoskeletal diseases and mental disorders on it (calculation of an insex indicating health-adjusted working life years lost) Using information from the constructed occupational register to examine, whether the secular variations in the annual rates of sickness absence and disability retirement mirror the national legislative changes 14.11.2018 © FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi
© FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi Schematic description of the construction of the Nordic Occupational Register 11/14/2018 © FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi
Register Content All information is aggregated to the occupation or occupational group level Job exposure matrices Physical and psychosocial exposures Industry and occupation with excess disability retirement and SA Disability retirement and SA rates by industry and occupation National registers EDF, ESAF Premature old-age retirement among persons with selected diseases by industry and occupation Industry and occupation with excess premature old-age retirement EPRF Potential impact fraction (PIF) Work presenteeism and work ability among workers with selected diseases by industry and occupation Population surveys Industry and occupation with excess work presenteeism EWPF 27.11.2015 © FIOH Solovieva S| www.ttl.fi
© FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi Expected results and impact Joint Nordic Occupational Register Comprehensive systematic knowledge on the effect of common chronic diseases on work participation among the Nordic workforce Estimated working life years lost due to common chronic diseases across different occupations or occupational groups Nordic Occupational Register tool for monitoring secular trends in work participation knowledge resource for evaluating the effectiveness and potential impact of population level interventions 11/14/2018 © FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi
© FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi Nordic added value Joint Nordic register-based research – evidence-based information on the effectiveness and potential of population level interventions aimed at prevention of work disability and promotion of return to work Cross-country comparison of the effect of population-level interventions – insight into intervention effectiveness in different societal circumstances 11/14/2018 © FIOH | Presenters Name | www.ttl.fi