ROUNDTABLE 1 What is the Added Value of University-Business-Industry Cooperation in Doctoral Education? Needs, Expectations and Potential Benefits as Seen by Different Actors Politecnico di Torino Tashkent, 2nd October 2018
POLITECNICO di TORINO Advantages For All connecting knowledge and innovation through wide-ranging national and international processes of “cross fertilization” Advancing their competitive advantage fostering innovation
Advantages for Universities
Advantages for Universities POLITECNICO di TORINO Advantages for Universities For Universities know-how transfer to industrial contexts establishing new relationships and strengthening the on-going collaborations with industrial partners, research centres and public administrations in the fields of education, research and innovation updating the educational tracks to meet the demands of both industry and society pushing forward the development of interdisciplinary training providing innovative solutions for complex problems responding to industry needs supplying a highly skilled workforce for companies more visibility, nationally and internationally
Advantages for Companies
Advantages for Companies POLITECNICO di TORINO Advantages for Companies For the Company extending its network of collaborations in the areas of academic education and research getting in touch with highly motivated people who possess an excellent technoscientific background and the capability of working in an independent way, in order to encourage their sense of belonging to the company right from the beginning reaching a clear and wide view over the state of the art of advanced research by collaborating with the university obtaining innovative contributions in terms of ideas and incentives coming from young PhD researchers examining subjects of interest through the collaboration for the PhD theses
Advantages for PhD candidates
Advantages for PhD candidates POLITECNICO di TORINO Advantages for PhD candidates For PhD Candidates putting into practice their theoretical knowledge and exploring the company’s various departments and specialized sectors obtaining familiarity with activities, objectives, structures and decisional processes in a company testing and improving one’s entrepreneurial skills; gaining experience gaining a direct knowledge about the industrial reality while developing points of view which integrate those already acquired during their academic studies; besides, the trainees shall develop abilities that are useful for the job as well as functional to the relation between research and industry getting in touch with possible employers and building a network of personal contacts for their future career
Questions To Ministry Representatives Does the new Uzbek decree give some specific provisions concerning the collaboration between Academia and Industry? Is there any obstacle to develop/strenghten this collaboration? Which can be the most effective way to establish a collaboration between the University and the entrerprises in the Uzbek context?
Questions To University Representatives: Which tools are more suitable in the Uzbek contest to start a collaboration with enterprises? What do you expect from collaborating with the private sector? What is the added value that this collaboration can bring? Do you have any specific need that the collaboration with enterprises could meet? In which way could this collaboration help your University?
Questions To Representatives from the Business Sector Which forms of collaboration with Universities are you interested in? What do you expect from collaborating with the Academia? What is the added value that this collaboration can bring? Do you have any specific need that the collaboration with the Academia could meet? Which would be the most effective communication initiatives to promote the collaboration between Academia and enterprises?