Warm Up, May 2nd Of the documents listed below, write down the titles of all the ones you still need for your portfolio: Reflection and Self-Assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up, May 2nd Of the documents listed below, write down the titles of all the ones you still need for your portfolio: Reflection and Self-Assessment (ALL) Log of Hours with total hours and Final Mentor Verification form (ALL) Project Evaluation Form (to be completed by your English teacher) (This is what I will give you when I grade the portfolio. Find the rubric in the Handbook) Photo verification (with captions) (ALL) Typed and cited job/organization summary (see module requirements) (Job shadow & Volunteer) Extras to verify your project: photos, rubrics, or project documents such as planning drafts, blueprints, schedules or other documentation (construction/creation) Interview questions and responses (see module requirements) (ALL) A copy of the professional thank-you letter you sent to your mentor (ALL) A beautiful and interesting title page (ALL)

Learning Targets I can complete the documentation I need for my Senior Project Portfolio. I can use Google Docs to complete these documents, and

Tasks: Begin your Reflection and Self Assessment today. Steps on how to complete it: Find the questions in the handbook. Copy and paste them onto a Google Doc (title the doc “Reflection and Self-Assessment” and add the appropriate heading) . Answer the questions using complete sentences, so that if you deleted the questions, the purpose content of your response would be understandable and thorough. Once this is done, Delete all the questions. Combine the sentences you wrote into paragraphs. Submit this work to Google Classroom. See our class website for model Reflection and Self-Assessment Documents. When you finish…

Tasks TWO Write out (AT LEAST) TEN questions for an interview with your mentor. See our class website for model questions. Submit these questions to Google Classroom. Schedule an interview. YOU MUST HAVE THIS INTERVIEW CONDUCTED AND TRANSCRIBED BY MONDAY, MAY 9th!

Homework All documents must be prepared and ready by MONDAY, May 9th