Chapter 5 The Communication Process
Communication Passing of information or exchange of ideas Process of establishing a commonness of thought between a sender and a receiver Success depends on the: Nature of the message Audience’s interpretation Environment in which it is received Major barrier - Language Relation to text: This slide relates to content found on page 143 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide provides an overview of communication. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to understand the communication process, the key components to a successful communication, and the major barrier in communication.
Figure 5.1 - A Model of the Communication Process Relation to text: This slide relates to Figure 5-1 on page 146 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide provides an overview of the basic elements of the communications process. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to introduce the communication process and discuss the basic elements in a communication system.
Basic Model of Communication Source Person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people Encoding Putting thoughts, ideas, or information into a symbolic form Relation to text: This slide relates to the content on pages 145-148 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide defines source, encoding, and message. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to define the elements—source, encoding, and message—in a communication system: Source/Sender - The person or organization with information to share Receiver - Person(s) with whom the sender is sharing information or thoughts Message - The information the source hopes to convey Message Contains the information or meaning the source hopes to convey
There are many forms of message encoding Verbal Spoken Word Written Word Song Lyrics Graphic Pictures Drawings Charts Musical Arrange- ment Instrum- entation Voices Animation Action/ Motion Pace/ Speed Shape/ Form Verbal Graphic Musical
Basic Model of Communication Channel: Facilitates communication between sender and receiver Non-personal channel or mass media Lacks direct, interpersonal contact between the sender and receiver Personal channel - Direct communication between two or more persons Word-of-mouth (WOM): Informal communication among consumers about products and services Buzz marketing: Generating positive word-of-mouth discussion Relation to text: This slide relates to the content on page 148 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide explains the meaning of channels and the types of channels. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to give an overview on channels. The channel is the method by which the communication travels from the source or sender to the receiver. At the broadest level, channels of communication are of two types, nonpersonal and personal. Nonpersonal channels of communication are those that carry a message without direct, interpersonal contact between the sender and receiver. Personal channels involve direct communication between two or more persons and can occur through interpersonal contact (face-to-face) or via other methods such as e-mail or through social media. Members of one’s social networks often represent word-of-mouth (WOM) influence that involves informal communication among consumers about products and services and is a very powerful source of information. Buzz marketing is another term for word-of-mouth communication.
Communications Channels Personal Selling Personal Channels Personal Channels Word of Mouth/Mouse Print Media Nonpersonal Channels Broadcast Media
Basic Model of Communication Viral marketing: Propagating marketing-relevant messages with the help of individual consumers Factors affecting success Message characteristics Individual sender or receiver characteristics Social network characteristics Seeding: Identifying and choosing the initial group of consumers who will be used to start spreading the message Relation to text: This slide relates to the content on pages 149-150 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide discusses about viral marketing and seeding. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to introduce the concepts of viral marketing and seeding. Viral marketing refers to the act of propagating marketing-relevant messages through the help and cooperation of individual consumers. An important aspect of viral marketing is what is often referred to as seeding, which involves identifying and choosing the initial group of consumers who will be used to start the diffusion or spreading of a message.
Basic Model of Communication Receiver: Person with whom the sender shares thoughts or information Decoding: Transforming the sender’s message into thought Heavily influenced by the receiver’s field of experience Field of experience: The experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values a person brings to the communication situation Relation to text: This slide relates to the content on page 153 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide gives an overview of decoding. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to discuss decoding in a communication process. Decoding is the process of transforming the sender’s message back into thought. This process is heavily influenced by the receiver’s frame of reference or field of experience, which refers to the experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values he or she brings to the communication situation.
Basic Model of Communication Noise: Unplanned distortion in the communication process Occurs because the fields of experience of the sender and receiver don’t overlap Response: Receiver’s set of reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message Feedback: Receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender Relation to text: This slide relates to the content on pages 155-156 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide discusses about noise, response, and feedback in a communication process. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to define the elements—noise, response, and feedback—in a communication system: Noise - Unplanned distortion or interference Response - Receiver’s reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message Feedback - Part of the receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender
Figure 5.3 - Models of the Response Process Relation to text: This slide relates to Figure 5-3 on page 159 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide presents an overview of various hierarchical response models. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to show the hierarchical response models that have been developed through the years to depict the stages consumers/customers go through as they learn about a company’s product or service, before moving to purchase readiness or actual behavior. AIDA model - Depicts the stages in the personal selling process Hierarchy of effects model - Shows the process by which advertising works Innovation adoption model - Shows the stages a consumer passes through in the process of adopting a new product Information processing model - A model of the process through which a consumer must pass to be influenced by advertising Each of these models views the consumer as passing through cognitive, affective, and behavioral stages.
Figure 5.4 - Methods of Obtaining Feedback in the Response Hierarchy Relation to text: This slide relates to Figure 5-4 on page 160 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide presents methods of obtaining feedback. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to explain that each stage of the response hierarchy is an independent variable that may serve as an objective of the communication process. Each stage can be measured, providing the advertiser with feedback regarding the effectiveness of the strategies being used to move the consumer to purchase.
Figure 5.6 - The Social Consumer Decision Journey Relation to text: This slide relates to Figure 5-6 on page 168 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide presents the consumer decision journey framework to include social media given by David Edelman and his associates. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to explain the consumer decision journey framework. The decision journey has four basic stages: consider, evaluate, buy, and enjoy-advocate-bond. This framework views the consumer decision-making process as a winding journey with multiple feedback loops rather than a linear, single uniform path to purchase based on active shopping and influenced by marketer dominated and controlled touch points such as media advertising.
Figure 5.7 - A Model of Cognitive Response Relation to text: This slide relates to Figure 5-7 on page 169 of the text. Summary Overview: This slide shows a model of the cognitive process and how these thoughts relate to traditional outcome measures, such as brand attitude, attitude toward the ad, and purchase intentions. Use of this slide: This slide can be used to show how cognitive responses to an advertisement mediate outcome reactions, such as brand attitude and attitude toward the advertisement, which in turn impact purchase intentions. Cognitive responses are the thoughts that occur while reading, viewing, and/or hearing a communication. The assumption is that these thoughts reflect the recipient’s reactions and help shape ultimate acceptance or rejection of a message. The categories of cognitive responses include: Product/message thoughts Source-oriented thoughts Ad execution thoughts