National Defense Industrial Association LTG Darrell K. Williams Director, Defense Logistics Agency November 15, 2017
PEOPLE AND CULTURE ARE AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING WE DO DLA Strategic Plan MISSION: Sustain Warfighter readiness and lethality by delivering proactive global logistics in peace and war VISION: The Nation’s Combat Logistics Support Agency... global, agile, and innovative; focused on the Warfighter First! WHY: To serve the Warfighter and our Nation! Providing world class support doesn’t just happen. It takes a plan, the right people, and the constant desire to improve. DLA's strategic plan provides the blueprint to get us there. These five goal areas represent the foundational catalysts we believe are necessary and relevant to realize our vision. These goals complement our mission as well as represent our commitment to ensuring our agility and responsiveness to the current and emerging needs and expectations of warfighters and our other valued customers. Option 1: Current Strategic Plan Focus Areas - Warfighter First – Deliver innovative and responsive solutions to warfighters first, DoD components and our other valued customers. - People and Culture – Hire, develop and retain a high-performing, valued, resilient, and accountable workforce that delivers sustained mission excellence. - Strategic Engagement – Engage industry and other partners in the delivery of effective and affordable solutions. - Financial Stewardship – Deliver effective and affordable solutions. Process Excellence – Achieve Enterprise process excellence ------ Option 2: Strategic Plan Refresh - Warfighter First – Strengthen Service readiness and lethality for Combatant Commands - Global Presence – Postured for Rapid Response - Strong Partnerships – Leverage the Joint Logistics Enterprise, Industry, and Partner Nations Whole of Government – Support to the Nation Always Accountable – Assured Supply Chain Financial and Process Excellence People and Culture – Is no longer a Line of Effort as we believe it is at the Heart of everything we do. If you take care of your people, the mission will happen! While these may be our Operational Imperatives and focus ares, DLA will continue to thrive on our values of Integrity, Resiliency, Diversity, Innovation, Accountability and Excellence. PEOPLE AND CULTURE ARE AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING WE DO 2
Major Subordinate Commands DLA BY THE NUMBERS $35B in Goods and Services Annually Support 110 Nations with $2B in Foreign Military Sales 27K Personnel including 2K Personnel Forward Positioned Around the World Over $10B in Procurement Services with Small Business Provide Nearly 100% of Consumable Items for the Military Services Located in 46 States and 28 Countries $4.2B in support to over 40 Federal Agencies 766 Locations with 132 Document Services Sites Over 12K Suppliers END TO END GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LAND AND MARITIME DISPOSITION SERVICES TROOP SUPPORT AVIATION ENERGY DISTRIBUTION PHILADELPHIA, PA COLUMBUS, OH RICHMOND, VA FORT BELVOIR, VA NEW CUMBERLAND, PA BATTLE CREEK, MI Global Supply Chains: Subsistence, Clothing & Textiles, Construction & Equipment, Medical, and Industrial Hardware $15.6B Sales 51K+ Customers 3 Locations Repair parts for ground-based and maritime systems 2K weapon systems $3.5B Sales 13K+ Customers 8 Locations Repair parts for aviation systems, nuclear systems, maps and Industrial Plant Equipment. 2K weapon systems $4.6B Sales 13K+ Customers 19 Locations Global fuel and comprehensive energy solutions 604 Fuel Locations $9.8B Sales 4K+ Customers Global storage and distribution solutions 50+ Locations $105B in Inventory $745M in Revenue 243K+ Customers Global solutions for disposal of excess property Reutilization: $2.5B $322.8M Revenue 31K+ Customers 89 Locations BUY DISTRIBUTE DISPOSE *Year End FY 17 Actuals
Agency Supplier Engagement Strategy Refine Supplier Engagement Strategic Plan Ombudsman Keep lines of communication open between DLA Senior Leaders and Industry Partners Collaborate across Agency Network for all enterprise engagements with industry Leverage our relationship with industry via integrating strategic objectives and operational outcomes to support DLA at providing Warfighter Readiness and Lethality Focus on communication and sustaining the industrial base with suppliers Objectives of Effective Supplier Engagement Steps Taking Increasing Competition Ensuring Quality Attaining Price Reasonableness Timeliness of Delivered Products/Services Cyber Security Integrity, Fairness and Openness Supporting Small Business Increasing DLA’s Market Intelligence of Supplier and Industry Practices Building Stronger Partnerships Establish DLA Ombudsman Synchronize Engagements with Strategic Plan Provide Comprehensive Engagement Strategy - Umbrella to align existing Conferences at Major Subordinate Commands – March 2018 DLA Aviation Conference DLA Land & Maritime Conference DLA Energy Conference Host Supplier Conference 4th Qtr FY18 Target Large, Mid-size and Small Businesses focused on all sectors of our Business DLA needs to optimizing opportunities for proactive engagement with supplier/industry. A Synchronized and cohesive structure in the DLA Supplier Advocacy Network by coordinating highlighting Right Member Engaged with Common Linkages Developing a cohesive structure with common linkages will be key to coordinating supplier events to achieve a common goal for engagement within industry