Primary Newsletter – Friday 15th June 2018 Laynie has been working very hard in English. She wrote a creative piece of work based on her life experience. She demonstrated a good use of paragraphs, conjunctions and her work was neatly presented. Primary Newsletter – Friday 15th June 2018 OUTSTANDING LEARNING Year 3 have been thinking about all of the methods which they have learnt to add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers. They have also used inverse to check their answers, and looked at some word problems which involved them having to apply their knowledge of inverse to find the initial number. Janique and Marcus showed outstanding learning this week with their hard work on converting between units of time to solve problems. Matia and Valentine have been chosen for outstanding learning this week for excellent independent writing and maths work. MYBNK On Wednesday this week, Year 5 had a company called MyBnk visit them. This marked the beginning of a series of workshops exploring financial education in order to gain crucial knowledge on everyday money matters and to address their thoughts and feeling towards personal finance. The first session started with an assembly on saving and spending which was then followed up by a workshop on money habits, mindsets, resisting and temptation. The children were able to gather further insights on both positive and negative money habits. We look forward to the next session with MyBnk. CHURCH VISIT Yesterday, Year 2 visited Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church in Blackheath. They had a lovely Mass where they presented a scripture, read their own bidding prayers and sang beautiful songs. After, they had the opportunity to relax and play in Monsignor Rothon’s garden. MIND TO BE KIND – THOUGHT OF THE WEEK If you say something kind to make someone feel better, how do you feel? CHURCH VISITS Next week on Thursday, Year 3 will be going to our local Catholic Church (Our Lady Help of Christians) for a visit 10.00am – 11.30am. Most children have permission to go on local trips. If we do not have this on file, you will be contacted to approve the visit.
Class: Dragonfly Let Your Light Shine Class : 3W Class: 4W : DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 22nd June Class 4W Assembly Friday 29th June Class 3W Assembly 2nd – 4th July Year 6 Residential Wednesday 4th July New Reception (September 2018) Stay and Play Morning Friday 6th July Class 2W Assembly Wednesday 11th July Primary Sports Day Thursday 12th July Year 6 end of year performance Friday 13th July Monday 16th July Year 6 leavers mass 2pm Thursday 19th July Year 6 Leavers Party Friday 20th July Last Day of Term STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: Bumblebee Class Darryl Frog Class Sofia Dragonfly Class Keianna 2E Sirin 2W Laynie 3E Zakariya 3W Summer 4E Carolina 4W Raynen-Lei 5E Denzel 5W Shilon 6E Nickoyah 6W Joshua ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER Class : 3W Class: 4W GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school Year 1: Deneise and Sofia Year 2: Juan Andres and Roberto Year 3: Mary and Sheena Year 4: Shania and Nico Year 5: Georgina and Abigail Year 6: Sahara and Betsaleel PRAYER CORNER In the Gospel this Sunday we hear a story about a tiny little seed. But when it is planted it grows into a big bush with branches big enough for all the birds to come and sit in. Loving God, you show us that the littlest actions can have huge results, and that the smallest of people can do great things. Inspire us to play our part in making the world a fairer place for all people. Amen. Class of the Week. For doing really well with their phonics this week. Class: Dragonfly Pupil of the Week. The pupil in each class with the most positive points each week. The Pupil of the Week will be awarded an orange tie on a Friday. Bumblebee Class Darryl Frog Class Sofia Dragonfly Class Esther 2E Kaamil 2W Jai-Jai 3E Derek 3W Bryanna 4E Amari 4W Joshua 5E Nadine 5W Shameemah 6E Nomari 6W Jahmoi Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley