Local Government Climate Change Support Program 2016 Draft Nkangala DM Climate Change Response Plan
Presentation Contents Climate change plan development Activities to date Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Results Draft Climate Change Response Actions
Climate Change Plan Development Developed through the Local Government Climate Change Support Program (LGCCS) First Step - Conducting a climate change vulnerability assessment Second Step - Developing climate change responses Draft plan in place for review http://www.letsrespondtoolkit.org/
Progress to date Toolkit development District level vulnerability assessments 24 May 2016 Draft municipal Climate Change Response Plans
Priority Indicators: Agriculture Theme Indicator Title Agriculture Change in grain (maize, wheat & barley) production Increased risks to livestock (cattle and pigs) Reduced food security Loss of grasslands
Responses: Agriculture Sub-Project: Change in grain (maize, wheat & barley) production Research & improve understanding of CC impacts on grain production Research & improve understanding of grain production Conduct research on alternative agricultural production Promote knowledge generation, sharing & stakeholder participation Implement evidence based monitoring initiatives Identify climate resilient land-uses
Responses: Agriculture Sub-Project: Increased risks to livestock (cattle and pigs) Commission research and improve understanding of CC impacts livestock Generate and share scientific, social and indigenous knowledge Promote knowledge generation, sharing & stakeholder participation Strengthen management plans, to enable continuous monitoring of water and herbage availability for livestock Develop a framework that will assist farmers with adjusting to reduced rainfall Educate farmers on the advantages associated with early detection of diseases in animals
Responses: Agriculture Sub-Project: Reduced food security Conduct a risk assessment of CC on food security for subsistence farmers Identify responses that will improve food availability for subsistence farmers Conduct workshops to educate subsistence farmers and business on how to manage the risk of the potential CC impacts Develop emergency plans that will assist with responding to CC related impacts Identify livelihood and economic diversification strategies that will reduce food insecurity Collect information on indigenous knowledge which contribute towards building resilience
Responses: Agriculture Sub-Project: Loss of Grasslands Research and improve understanding of CC impacts on biodiversity Research and improve understanding of ecosystems services Promote knowledge generation, sharing & stakeholder participation Strengthen management plans of grasslands Implement evidence based monitoring initiatives Incorporate biodiversity management into planning systems for other sectors
Human Settlements
Priority Indicators: Human Settlements Theme Indicator Title Human Settlements Increase occupational health problems Increased migration to urban and peri-urban areas
Responses: Human Settlements Sub-Project: Increase occupational health problems Conduct climate change impact assessment on occupational health Identify and profile groups that are most vulnerable to heat stress and dehydration Conduct awareness campaigns on the health risks of high temperatures in the workplace and inform on appropriate responses Commission a reliable early warning system that will alert industries and businesses on extreme weather events
Responses: Human Settlements Sub-Project: Increased migration to urban and peri-urban areas Assess drivers and dynamics of migration Identify alternative basic service provision options for rural areas, such as water tanks, new sanitation services, etc Develop and implement rural development programs to create economic opportunities Promote behavioural change within communities that will contribute towards the building of economic nodes within rural areas and consequently reduce the need for migration
Priority Indicators: Water Theme Indicator Title Water Decreased quality of drinking water Decreased water quality in ecosystem due to increased concentrations of effluent and salt concentrations
Responses: Water Sub-Project: Decreased quality of drinking water Research and improve understanding of CC impacts on water quality Adopt and enforce simple, innovative, adaptive engineering approaches to wastewater treatment Incorporate projected climate change impacts into the planning of municipal water supply Identify and implement innovative groundwater monitoring initiatives Prioritise and allocate resources to adaptation interventions that will minimise the pollution of drinking water
Responses: Water Sub-Project: Decreased water quality in ecosystem Research and improve understanding of CC impacts on water quality and availability Conduct a climate change impact assessment on health risks to aquatic systems Adopt and enforce simple, innovative, adaptive engineering approaches wastewater treatment initiatives Strengthen management plans of wastewater treatment Identify and implement wastewater monitoring initiatives Protect and rehabilitate aquatic systems so that they can provide flow attenuation and ecosystem goods and services
Local Government Climate Change Support Program 2016 Draft Nkangala DM Climate Change Response Plan