CH 13 Insights ID- Election of 1824 (Results) p 258 Summary 1- How many candidates were running for president? What candidate received the highest Amount of votes? Lowest? 4, Jackson, Clay OI- The Corrupt Bargain 1) Even though Jackson won the popular vote, where did he fail to win a majority? Jackson did not win 50% majority in Electoral College 2) What does the 12th Amendment provide in case of the problem in question 1? House of Representatives selects the President from top 3 candidates 3) How did Henry Clay help decide the election in favor of John Q. Adams? Clay told hid supporters to vote for Adams (Adams became President)
4) According to Andrew Jackson, how was Clay bribed to help decide the election? Clay became Sec. of State (seen as the stepping stone to Pres.) 5) Think- Why was the Election of 1824 so controversial? The winner of the popular vote lost the election (has only happened three other times- 1876, 1888, 2000) H. of Rep., not people, elected pres. Should the Electoral College be abandoned or kept in place? Explain one positive and negative of the EC!
OI- Indian Removals 1800-1846 (p 266) Summary 3- Who are the five tribes in the South that were forcibly removed? Cherokee, Seminoles, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw OI- The “Trial of Tears” (p 268) Summary 3- How many Cherokees were forced to march? How many died? 15,000 moved forcibly by US Army (4,000 died of weather, lack of food, exhaustion) ID- The Trail of Tears
6) Identify two ways the Cherokee tried to assimilate to white ways? Became farmers and owned property (cotton, owned slaves) Developed an alphabet and literacy Cherokee Constitution (set of laws to follow) GA. Legislature refused to accept Cherokee claims to land (kicking Indians off their lands) Worcester v. GA- Cherokees sued, SC sided w. Cherokee, Pres. Jackson refused to follow court order and ordered the … Indian-Removal Act- all tribes west of Miss. forced to move
7) How many Indians were removed? Over 100K 8) How were the Seminoles different from the other “Civilized Tribes”? Fought back in Florida 9) Think- Why do you feel the “Trail of Tears” was Un-American or horrific? (please don’t just say it was unfair, think why it was so criminal!) Natural Rights of Indians violated (life, liberty, and property taken away) Government refused to follow its own rules (SC sided w. Indians and President/Executive branch ignored SC, legislative branch sided w. Pres.) What do you think of the US now? DO you feel the US had the right to take land from the Indians so farmers could make a better living?
Texas Revolution Prior Knowledge- Think- What are some Mexican influences that are evident in America today? Where to these influences come from? Goal Questions 1) Evaluate if Texans had a good reason to declare independence from Mexico (Think of the reasons why Americans moved to Texas and what rights as Americans they were used to.) 2) Analyze if Mexico really lost Texas and 3) Why did Texas become an independent nation after the Texas Revolution (Why did the US not annex Texas if it was populated by Americans that just defeated Mexico in a war)
ID- Samuel Houston (277) Summary 4- Briefly identify Sam Houston. Leader of Texas Revolution ID-The Texas Revolution (276) Summary 5- What 2 advantages did the Texans have over the Mexicans in the war? Defensive war- did not have to take territory (more Texans than Mexicans in Tx. Supply Lines- short for Texans from allies in US/South, long for Mex.
ID- The Alamo as it Looks today (277) Summary 6-What made the Alamo famous? 187 Texans massacred, showed Texans were willing to die
11) How many Texan Americans were in Texas by 1830? OI- Gone to Texas 10) What were the two stipulations for Americans to get land in Mexican Texas? Catholic, Mexican 11) How many Texan Americans were in Texas by 1830? 30,000 texans, 3,000 Mexicans 12) Why was slavery such a touchy subject for Texans and Mexico? Mexico outlawed slavery (Most Americans moved to Texas for opportunity to become cotton growers, need slaves) How would these demands become the seeds of the Texas Revolution? (Why would these demands cause Americans in Tx. to want to seek independence from Mexico)
Texas Revolution- Americans in Texas want to restore slavery, freedom of religion, democracy (Santa Anna made himself dictator) and are nationalistic Americans (want TX to join US) OI- The Lone Star Rebellion 13) What did Texas declare in 1836? Independence from Mexico 14) Why were the Alamo and Goliad important to the America-Texan cause? Upset Texans and pushed them to fight back against Mexico
15) How did Texans influence General Santa Anna to sign away land to Texas? Put a gun to his head, sign or die! Is a Declaration of Surrender an official document if the signee is threatened with death on the spot or is the document null in void because of coercion Gen. Santa Anna signs away Texas from Mexico 16) What direction did Texas go after the US refused to annex (take over) Texas? Texas became an independent country for 13 years 17) Why did many Americans not want to annex Texas? Tx. annexation would expand slavery (more slave power/states) Annexation could start a war with Mexico
Spoils System- reward supporters w. government jobs ID- The County Election (283) Summary- What is the problem with voting as depicted in this painting? Drinking (politics became professional- people sought office as a job and move up in society) Spoils System- reward supporters w. government jobs The Two Party System 18) Who are the two new political parties and what is the core belief of each party? Party 1 (belief)Democrats personal liberty, states rights/weak central government Party 2 (belief)Whigs strong government that should help business and enforce human laws