ABOARD Assessment Time: 6:45 Minutes Complete ABOARD Assessment You may use your notes You MAY NOT use the reading When you finish: Remain silent OBJ: What factors led to the abolishment of Feudalism in Russia Catherine the Great 1762-1795 Rebellion and Repression The Crimean War 1853- 56 Results of Crimean War Tsar Alexander’s Reforms 1861
Homework Reading ON Russia Quiz: Friday Announcements Homework Reading ON Russia Quiz: Friday
What steps Must you take… Feudalism Industrialization
Catherine the Great 1762-1795 Catherine the great came to power after conspiring with nobles to have her own husband killed (Peter the Great’s Grandson) During her reign she was able to: Continued the expansionist policies of Peter the Great --- Alaska Hawaii, and Asia Continued to “Westernize” Russia by promoting European Education and fashion
Rebellion and Repression During the first part of her reign she considered herself an “Enlightened Despot” who would make reforms in Education and for the Serfs When Cossacks (Military Serfs) rebelled against her government in 1774 she brutally repressed her enemies and became more conservative
The Crimean War Under Csar Nicolas I, Russia continued its expansion policies and remained a military power in Europe. They soon set their eyes on capturing the Balkans, which was possessed by the Ottomans Western European powers soon united because: Austria wanted land in the Balkans, France and Britain had trade/military interest in Mediterranean Ottomans were scared of Russia’s growing power
Result of Crimean War Russia was defeated handedly by the forces of Western Europe, using their power of Industrialization to mass produce military weapons Over 250,000 deaths, many of which from diseases such as cholera Austria and Russia became enemies Russia had to concede land and re-shape its economy and military
Tsar Alexander and the Reforms In 1861 Czar Alexander decided to abolish serfdom in hopes of preventing rebellion and discontent, but required to pay rent to the landowners This led to the: Slow process of industrialization Railroad construction Small middle class began to develop in Russian cities
Prompt: Analyze the issues and conflicts following the abolishment of Russian Serfdom Directions: You have 6:30 to read over documents and group into 3 Key Points
OBJ: What factors limited Russia from full Industrialization by 1914 Reforms under Alexander II Assassination of Alexander II Repression under Alexander III Radical Reformers Sino- Japanese War The State of Russia by the 1900’s
Homework Reading ON Russia Map Quiz Friday.. The world by 1800’s Announcements Homework Reading ON Russia Map Quiz Friday.. The world by 1800’s
What steps Must you take… Feudalism Industrialization
Reform under Alexander II Politically: Abolished Serfdom Created Zemstvos: local elected councils regulating create new laws Socially: Increased women’s rights by allowing high-class women into universities - Increased the literacy rate among the population
Assassination of Csar Alexander II Causes of Conflict: Violent Secret police forces/state censorship prevented political organizing Corruption helped maintain power of landowners Russian authorities continued to exile dissenters to Siberia In 1881 he was assassinated by the Terrorist “Land and Freedom” Party who wanted more equality
Repression Under Alexander III After witnessing the death of his father, Alexander III became more Repressive Eliminated the power of the Zemstvos Gave Military police absolute power to enforce local law Created a program of Russification -- conquered people were now required to speak and learn Russian Targeted the Jewish Population in Pograms – violent riots against Jews, led to mass killings Took away women’s rights
Russian (radical) Reformers Intelligentsia: Russian term for articulate intellectuals as a class - Wanted political freedom and equality Anarchists: desired an abolition to all forms of government. Bolshevik Socialists – Who want immediate and absolute equality and political power
GOAL:ANOTHER WARM WATER PORT 1904-1905 Russo – Japanese War Under Nicolas II, Russia continued to expand and soon went to war with Japan over territory in Manchuria and Korea GOAL:ANOTHER WARM WATER PORT Russia lost due to the industrial power and innovation of the rising Japanese military
The State of Russia by the early 1900’s The Good The Bad By 1900, Russia surges to #4 in the world in steel production Second only to the US in petroleum production Large Factories in Major cities Factories could not compete with up to western technology Largely illiterate peasant class Lack of middle-class Growing rebellions and revolt against repressive government
Compare and Contrast Prompt: Compare and Contrast the process of Industrialization in the 1800’s within the countries of Russia and England Round 1: 5 minutes Round 2: 2 minute Thesis Questions to consider: How did Industrialization begin What were its effects socially and politically In what ways did the country “Industrialize:
Writing Your KEATEAL - 6 minute challenge Tips: Use class notes to support your evidence and analysis For L: Think big picture, what is one major reason why this similarity existed between the two or why there was such a difference Example: The abolishment of slavery in England and Russia was, in part, due to the fact that both countries were trying to jump start the process of industrialization