WELCOME! Meridian Township Data Review Jan 25,
2 CO 2 – Regulatory Report
3 e – Organisational Overview
5 Total 2012 expenditure was $206K e – CONSUMPTION & EXPENDITURE
6 % VARIATION e CURRENT VS. PREV FIN. YEAR 2012 consumption decreased by 4% compared to last year Costs have decreased by 2% for the same period
7 e VARIATION CURRENT VS. PREV FIN. YEAR Q1-Q4 costs have decreased by $3.9K
8 e – All of Meridian Township $$$$
9 e – All of Meridian Township 16.9% decrease in electricity use in 2012 when compared to baseline year of 2009!!!!! Brilliant stuff
10 e – Lift Station Main
11 e – Service Center - awesome Note – please ignore Oct-Dec 2012 consumption. Planet Footprint are still waiting on 48 days of billing data for this period. The spike is due to that period being estimated based on historically higher consumption. It can be expected that when 2012 data set is complete consumption for Oct – Dec 2012 will be much lower.
12 e- Harris Nature Center
13 GAS (NATURAL) – TOP CONSUMING SITES 2012 expenditure was $61.2K
14 G - % CHANGE Across the board decreases in consumption!!! But was it the weather?
15 G – Heating Degree Days
16 Heating Degree Days Heating degree day (HDD) is a measurement designed to reflect the demand for energy needed to heat a building. It is derived from measurements of outside air temperature. The heating requirements for a given structure at a specific location are considered to be directly proportional to the number of HDDs at that location. A similar measurement, cooling degree day (CDD), reflects the amount of energy used to cool a home or business. Please note that degree days are calculated by multiplying the difference in degrees from base temperature by the number of days. E.g if July 1 was 5 degrees lower than the base temperature for that day this would equate to 5 HDD – thats why the number of days can exceed the real number of days in a month.
17 G – HDD plotted with consumption (ccf) Yes – it looks like it was the weather. There is a direct correlation between mains gas consumption and HDD. The more HDD the more gas is used.