Rods vs cones Rods - large current change with a single photon Cones - smaller current change, compared to noise.
Rods vs cones Cones do not saturate at high illumination. Cones adapt more to high illumination than rods
circuits Rods and cones can transmit to the same ganglion cell. Rods synapse onto rod bipolar cells Rod bipolar cells synapse onto amacrine cells Amacrine cells onto cone bipolar cells Cone bipolar cells synapse onto ganglion cells This is a convergent pathway, lots of rods converge onto a rod bipolar cell, lots of rod bipolar cells converge onto an amacrine cell.
Circuits Cone system is less convergent Single cone in central retina --> one cone bipolar cell --> midget ganglion cell
Circuits Convergent rod system is a sensitive detector of light Less convergent cone system maximizes acuity (resolution)