Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) Sherry Mitchell, Procurement Analyst, SBO Angela Holmes, Procurement Analyst, BPS May 15, 2018 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Agenda Overview System access Reporting criteria and deadlines Contractor responsibilities Common issues Helpful resources FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Overview Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) is the Government-wide, web-based system that allows electronic submission, management (acceptance, revision, rejection), reports and analyses of subcontracting data in a real-time paperless environment. Benefits of eSRS Eliminates the need for paper submissions and processing of Standard Form (SF) 294 and 295s. Improves accuracy, timeliness and integrity of data exchanged Provides a live interface with System for Award Management (SAM) that automatically populates basic vendor information based on the DUNS Provides a live interface with Federal Procurement Data System - Next Generation (FPDS-NG) that automatically populates contract data All DoD organizations submitting unclassified contract action reports to the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) should now be using eSRS. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
System Access Go to www.esrs.gov Click on “Contractors” Click on “Register” tab Complete the registration Your User ID and password will be emailed to you confirming your registration You must validate your registration by clicking on the link with the email to activate your eSRS account. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Policies Impacting Subcontract Reporting FAR/DFARS DoD Class Deviation 2018-O0007, Small Business Subcontract Reporting (12/13/2017) Changes entity to which contractor submits SSR for Individual Subcontract Plan from military dept/agency to DoD (9700) Allows contractors to submit SF 294 to CO, in lieu of submitting the ISR in eSRS for orders against BOAs and BPAs DFARS 252.219-7003(f)(1) Procuring contracting office responsible for approving ISR, even when contract administration has been delegated to the Defense Contract Management Agency FAR 52.219-9 ALT III (1)(2)(ii)(D) Contracting official who approved the Commercial Subcontracting Plan is responsible for approving SSRs required by the plan
FY18 DoD Subcontract Reporting Schedule DATE REQUIRED ACTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY April 30, 2018 ISRs submitted under Individual Subcontract Plan by the prime contractor Awarding Contracting Officer ISRs submitted under Individual Subcontract Plan by the subcontractor Upper-tier contractor awarding subcontract Oct 30, 2018 ISRs submitted under Individual Subcontract Plan Prime: Awarding KO Sub: Upper-tier contractor SSRs submitted under Individual Subcontract Plan Designated SSR Review Team – DoD (9700) SSRs submitted under Commercial Subcontract Plan Contracting Official who Approved Plan SSRs submitted under DoD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan DCMA CSP Team April 30th deadline will have passed by the date of presentation. Completion of Government review: June 15 and December 15, respectively FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Contractor Responsibilities Submit Individual Subcontract Report (ISR) and Summary Subcontract Report (SSR), using eSRS. ISR: Semi-annually during contract performance for the periods ending March 31 and September 30. A report is also required for each contract within 30 days of contract completion SSR: Annually, by Oct. 30 for the 12 month period ending Sept. 30 Reports are required, regardless of the level of subcontracting activity Ensure that its subcontractors with subcontracting plans agree to submit the ISR and/or SSR using eSRS. Provide all first-tier subcontractors its prime contract number, unique entity identifier, and email address of its official responsible for acknowledging receipt of/rejecting ISR Require each subcontractor, with a subcontracting plan, to provide the prime contract number, its own unique entity identifier, and email address of its responsible official. Reports are required when due, regardless of whether there has been any subcontracting activity since the inception of the contract or the previous reporting period. Only report actual subcontracting accomplishments, not good faith estimates or goals, in the “Actual Cumulative” column of the report. If prime/subktr is performing work under multiple contracts, requiring Individual Subcontracting plans, a separate ISR shall be submitted to each federal agency, covering only subcontracting accomplishments for that contract. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Subcontracting Compliance eSRS “Delinquent ISR Report” SBA assess agency subcontracting compliance, beginning with May 2015 ISRs FPDS modification (May 2015) When coded as “Individual Subcontract Plan” we expect to see an ISR in eSRS, except for orders under BOAs and BPAs, in which case the contractor submits SF 294 If there is no ISR, contractor is delinquent with reporting requirements This type of information is recorded in CPARS and may affect the contractor’s past performance rating. DoD departments/agencies responsible for review and follow up on ISRs. Completion dates are Jun 15 and Dec 15. ISRs should be acknowledged. The DoD departments and agencies are responsible for review and follow up on SSRs under a Commercial Subcontracting Plan. Completion date is Dec 15. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Common Issues Why can’t I submit an ISR? Two main reasons: The Contract Action Report (CAR) is coded incorrectly in FPDS-NG (i.e. does not indicate that a subcontracting plan is required) or someone else in your organization has previously filed the ISR and has it in their contract worklist. My ISR/SSR was rejected, what should I do? Reviewer has determined that additional information is required, for clarity, and/or the information provided is not accurate or sufficient. An explanation detailing the deficiencies of the report should be included in the rejection notice. Contractor is required to submit a revised report within 30 days of receiving the rejection notice. Once corrected report is received, the Government will “accept” the report. CAR: Contact Contracting Officer or Agency POC to verify/correct coding Previously submitted ISR: Employee must remove the contract from his/her worklist. This will not delete previously submitted reports. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Common Issues Can I change/delete a previously submitted report? Contact the Federal Government agency and inform them of the error. They will “reject” or “reopen” the report, depending on the status at the time. If the report is pending, then it will be rejected If the report has been accepted, then it will be reopened The report will then be sent back to your eSRS account, so the necessary changes can be made. If correcting email address of Reviewer, navigate to Pending tab and locate desired report. Select “Update Email Target” under the “Options” column Delete Only draft reports can be deleted Click “delete” by the report you like deleted FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Common Issues Who do I contact for assistance? Non-technical Questions: policy, processes, and procedures related to subcontracting, subcontracting reporting and information related to the contract. www.fsd.gov, “submit a question” tab, and select “Policy” SBA Commercial Marketing Representative (CMR) for your area http://www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/gcbd/GC_PCRD1.html Contracting Officer Technical Questions: Pertain to how the system functions; user functionality; eSRS agency contact information; general information on filing reports Federal Service Desk www.fsd.gov; 1-866-606-8220 or 334-206-7828 For all other concerns, contact Integrated Acquisition Environment at integrated.acquisition@gsa.gov The SBA Procurement Analyst assigned to answer subcontracting questions will respond with an answer. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Helpful Resources eSRS User guides, training material, and sample reports https://www.esrs.gov/, under “documents” eSRS Quick References and Webinars https://www.esrs.gov/resources Federal Service Desk (FSD) www.fsd.gov or via eSRS website www.esrs.gov, click “For Help Federal Service Desk” DoD Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) http://business.defense.gov FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY