Tips on Applying to the AS&E Diversity Fund
About the Diversity Fund The fund is intended to support proposals from faculty, staff, or faculty/staff with student co-applicants that focus on issues related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate that will enhance our campus community in lasting ways. In particular, we are seeking to fund programming that brings together members of the Tufts AS&E community for cross-group dialogue and substantive interaction that might not otherwise occur. By “group” we refer to individuals of different demographics and social identities; departments, programs, centers, and organizations; and/or individuals with different roles on campus (e.g., students, faculty, and staff).
Questions to ask yourself before applying: Does this event focus on issues related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate that will enhance our campus community in lasting ways? How? Do I have co-sponsors who are contributing funding to the event? Does this event invite and attract a wide-ranging population of the Tufts community? Is there anything left unplanned or ambiguous?
If the answer to any of these questions is NO, then you are not ready to apply!
In your application, be specific! Who is planning the event? Who is contributing financially? How much? Who else is supporting the event? Where is your event taking place? When? Who will be invited? What is the impact of the event? Will it bring about change? How?
Be sure to submit an ITEMIZED BUDGET and explain how much funding you have, how much is pending, and exactly how much you need from the Diversity Fund.
What won’t be funded: Proposals with no co-sponsors or collaborators. Events that take place off campus. Events that target or benefit only a small audience, like a class fieldtrip or project. Programs or events that are on-going or annual. Publicity costs, paying Tufts faculty and staff, and sometimes, expenses for food.
Final tips: The committee doesn’t like to guess: be clear and specific. Always answer: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. The committee prefers to see applications that have co-sponsors confirmed. Having co-sponsors shows that you have thought carefully about this event and are already bringing together the Tufts community.