Administrative Instructions – Short Version (Option 2) The following set of slides reflects suggested content for a briefing to a decision maker. These slides are a format and / or a template to guide the briefer in addressing the key elements of a CBA in a logical, easy to follow way. They also may be adapted for the purpose of documenting a CBA. CBA preparers may use this set to build their own briefing slides. DASA-CE does not mandate their use. CBA preparers know best what their decision-maker/leadership would like to see in a briefing. Note: The CBA Portal also contains a second set of slides (Option 1) which provides a generic way of documenting and /or briefing a CBA using PowerPoint. It is a little longer (more detailed) than this one. The CBA portal is located at: Both sets of slides provide possible ways of answering the often asked question: What does a CBA look like or contain?” Need help? Contact us at:
Title of Cost Benefit Analysis Name of Submitting Organization CBA Creator/ POC: Name – Phone Number Cost Estimator: Name – Phone Number Date Created: January 1st 2013
Background & Executive Summary Executive Summary: Provide the “Bottom-Line Up Front” Background: The background and circumstances section of the brief should define and illustrate the current state/condition and what caused the problem or opportunity to occur. The background provides the contextual information needed to fully understand what caused the problem, need or opportunity addressed in the analysis.
Problem, Objective & Scope Problem/ Opportunity: The problem statement clearly defines the problem, need, or opportunity that requires a solution. Objective: The objective describes what the effort intends to accomplish. Objectives should be measurable, realistic, achievable, and results-oriented. Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Scope: The Scope defines the range of coverage encompassed by an initiative or proposal along specific dimensions like time, location, organization, technology or function. Describe what is in and out of scope and why.
Constraints of Analysis Facts: A fact is something that is empirically true and can be supported by evidence. Include only relevant facts – those items of information that have a direct bearing on the CBA being developed. Fact 1: Fact 2: Fact 3: Fact 4: Assumptions: Assumptions are factors or conditions that are essential to the success of the solution and are beyond the control of the organization. Assumptions define the ground rules and accepted statements in order to limit the scope of the CBA. They are explicit statements of conditions on which the CBA is based. Assumption 1: Assumption 2: Assumption 3: Assumption 4:
Courses of Action COA 1 – Status Quo COA 2 – Name of COA Attribute of COA: The status quo (also known as the “As-Is” state), is the “baseline” program, system, or situation against which the costs and benefits of all feasible alternatives are compared. COA 2 – Name of COA Attribute of COA: Description of alternative COA. Include any relevant 2nd and 3rd order effects, risks, etc. COA 3 – Name of COA Attribute of COA: Description of alternative COA. Include any relevant 2nd and 3rd order effects, risks, etc. COA 4 – Name of COA Attribute of COA: Description of alternative COA. Include any relevant 2nd and 3rd order effects, risks, etc.
Cost Factors & Estimates COA 1 – Status Quo: $XM (FYX – FYZ Constant/ Current $) Cost Factor 1: Cost Factor 2: Cost Factor 3: Cost Factor 4: COA 2 – Name of COA: $XM (FYX – FYZ Constant/ Current $) Cost Factor 1: Cost Factor 2: Cost Factor 3: Cost Factor 4: COA 3 – Name of COA: $XM (FYX – FYZ Constant/ Current $) Cost Factor 1: Cost Factor 2: Cost Factor 3: Cost Factor 4: COA 4 – Name of COA: $XM (FYX – FYZ Constant/ Current $) Cost Factor 1: Cost Factor 2: Cost Factor 3: Cost Factor 4:
Selection Criteria & Decision Matrix Benefits/ Selection Criteria (1) Mission Accomplishment: Enables organization to accomplish prescribed mission. (2) Benefit Title – Description of benefit. (3) Benefit Title – Description of benefit. (4) Benefit Title – Description of benefit. (5) Benefit Title – Description of benefit. COA 1 COA 2 COA 3 COA 4 Selection Criteria Weight Rating Score (1) Mission Accomplishment 20.0% 9 1.80 6 1.2 5 1.00 (2) Title of Benefit or Selection Criteria 7 1.40 8 1.6 4 0.80 (3) Title of Benefit or Selection Criteria 2 0.40 (4) Title of Benefit or Selection Criteria 0.8 1.60 (5) Title of Benefit or Selection Criteria 1.4 1 0.20 Total Score 100% 8.6 6.6 3.2 8.2 Scaled Benefits 100 860 660 320 820 Cost (FYX - FYZ) $2,190 $2,379 $1,450 $1,970 Cost Benefit Index 2.5 3.6 4.5 2.4
Recommendation Recommendation: Results and recommendations summarize the findings of the analysis and make conclusive statements about the comparisons of alternatives. Describe the value proposition: a concise statement that describes the results or value a decision maker can expect from adopting a specific recommendation arising from the CBA.