Organelles And Their Functions Biology 11
Organelles & Functions Nucleus – A large dense organelle bounded by a double membrane, present in eukaryotic but not prokaryotic cells, and which contains the chromosomes. Transcription and RNA processing take place in the nucleus. It’s function is essential to the survival of the cell. Nucleolus – Region of the nucleus rRNA is synthesized. It consists of a fibrillar core surrounded by a granular region, and is the site of assembly of ribosomal subunits and other ribonucleoprotein complexes. Cell Membrane – Also called plasma membrane. Membrane bounding the surface of all living cells, formed of a fluid lipid bilayer in which proteins carrying out the functions of enzymes, ion pumps, transport proteins and receptors are embedded. It regulates the entry and exit of most solutes and ions, few substances being able to diffuse through the lipid bilayer unaided. Cytoplasm – All the living parts of a cell inside the cell membrane, excluding the nucleus.
Organelles & Functions Mitochondrion – Organelle that is the site of aerobic respiration and ATP generation in eukaryotic cells. It is surrounded by two membranes, the inner one much convoluted and carrying respiratory electron transport chains and ATP synthase. The mitochondrial matrix enclosed by the inner membrane contains the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Mitochondria contain a small circular DNA which specifies tRNA’s, rRNA’s and some mitochondrial proteins. Ribosome – Ribonucleoprotein particle found in large numbers in all cells, both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells. Ribosomes are the sites at which translation of messenger RNA and protein synthesis take place. It is important to note that ribosomes consist of two subunits which differ in size. Endoplasmic Reticulum – Extensive, convoluted internal membrane bounded space in eukaryotic cells, continuous with the nuclear envelope. It is involved in the synthesis, glycosylation and transport of membrane proteins and of proteins destined for secretion from the cell, which are delivered into the ER from their site of synthesis in the cytosol. Rough ER is studded with protein synthesizing ribosomes.
Organelles & Functions Golgi Apparatus – Organelle in eukaryotic cells which is formed of stacks of flattened sacs of membranes. It receives material from the ER and is involved in directing membrane lipids and proteins and secretory proteins to their destination. It is functionally linked with the ER, lysosomes and plasma membrane by membrane transport vesicles. The side facing the nucleus is known as the cis face, while the side facing away is from the nucleus is known as the trans face. Material moves through the Golgi in a cis to trans direction. Vesicles – A general term for small membrane bound sacs in eukaryotic cells, which are derived mainly from plasma membrane, ER and Golgi apparatus and carry materials from one cellular compartment to another or for secretion. Lysosome – Membrane bound organelle in eukaryotic cells, especially animal cells, which has an acid internal environment (pH 5) when fully matured. They are derived from vesicles that bud from the Golgi apparatus and are part of the cells endomembrane system. They contain many enzymes that digest damaged cellular components and material taken into the cell by endocytosis.
Organelles & Functions Microfilament – One of the three main elements of the eukaryotic cell cytoskeleton. They are protein threads composed of globular actin subunits. Microtubules – One of the three main structural components of the eukaryotic cell cytoskeleton. They are fine hollow protein tubes composed of molecules of the globular protein tubulin. Important in mitosis and meiosis. They also make up the cores of eukaryotic flagella and cilia. Plastids – A family of plant cell organelles with double membranes that develop differently in different plant types. An example would be a chloroplast, which is used in photosynthesis. Flagellum – A long whip-like or feathery structure on a cell which propels it through a liquid medium. Cilium – Motile hair-like outgrowth present on the surface of many eukaryotic cells, which makes whip-like beating movements in a synchronized pattern.
Organelles & Functions Vacuole – Any large fluid-filled membrane bounded cavity in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. This is a prominent feature in plant and algal cells, where it is known as the central vacuole and takes up a large part of the cellular volume. Cytoskeleton – Internal system of protein fibres and tubules that extends throughout the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Composed of microfilaments and microtubules. It gives shape to the cell and provides support for cell extensions. Chromatin – Consists of DNA and histone proteins. Protoplasm – The total substance of the living cell. Centriole – One of a pair of cylindrical organelles formed from short microtubulues found outside the nuclear envelope in animal cells. Important in cell division. **Membrane bound - anything enclosed by a membrane. **Cytosol – The fluid portion of the cytoplasm.