RTI Oct 24 Welcome to RTI-Behavior training! Please follow the Entry Task instructions at the top of your agenda
Welcome to the RTI Leadership Team! Entry Activity Jot down a time when you helped a student be successful by providing a behavior intervention – describe the intervention Share out Name, school/assignment, why you are here Entry activity response
Outcomes Develop a common definition of RTI Understand the direction and timeline of this leadership team Begin drafting Guiding Principles Use a self-assessment and CPR organizer to begin identifying current system
What is RTI? To have a common definition of what we refer to as RTI-B Write: What does Response to Intervention mean? Compare with a partner Whole group definition
RTI Myths Myth #1: RTI is another initiative Myth #2: We need to start doing RTI Myth #3: RTI lets kids off the hook – doesn’t hold kids accountable Myth 1: RTI for our purposes is simply answering PLC Q3 – how will we respond if students don’t learn, and you can’t answer that without answering Q4, How will we extend and enrich learning for students who are already proficient? Myth 2: Raise your hand if you’ve ever kept kids before school, during lunch, or after school for extra help? Do we use data to place kids in appropriate classes based on their grades/MAP scores/other? We have all started. We just need to be more systematic with Tier 2, and if we say are fundamental purpose of our school is to ensure high levels of learning for all students and we don’t provide in the school day for additional time and support than we are being disingenuous. Will be focusing today mostly on the need for better systems for Tier 2. Myth 3: I would argue that allowing a kid to sit and do nothing and then take his or her 0 is letting the kid off the hook
RTI Myths Myth #4: There is a program or model out there that will work for every school Myth #5: District leadership eventually wants a single RTI system for all schools Myth 4: There isn’t. Every school culture is different, and the key is the continuous improvement model. Get started, constantly tweek, and get better. Myth 5: We believe that it is disingenuous for a district to have a mission statement that has the goal of high levels of success after high school but doesn’t allow for additional time and support for students during the school day. But we don’t think it looks the same at all schools. Guiding principles (later in presentation)
District RTI Vision Develop a common understanding of the essential elements of effective RTI Develop a set of RTI Guiding Principles on which all schools in the district can make a collective commitment to follow Monitor progress and move forward RTI Overview Handout RTI Continuum
Article Read the article on motivation Discuss: What does this have to do with RTI-Behavior?
Guiding Principles In order to know what is “tight” (required in every building) and “loose” we need a set of RTI Guiding Principles In building teams, draft a set of Principles Be ready to share with large group
Pre-Assessment As a school, go through the Pre-Assessment and rate yourself Be prepare to talk to the larger group about your results
Middle School RTI http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/education/dropout-nation/middle-school-moment/ After watching, discuss with your teams: What were the systems of support in place?
Big Ideas There is a moral imperative to implementing systems that allow you to truly accomplish your goals…even if they are not perfect at first You can study something forever – the best way to establish an effective system is to get started and get better
Getting Started Learning CPR organizer
Exit Slip 3-2-1 On 3X5 card, write 3 new ideas or thoughts I have about RTI 2 ways I can help move our school forward on RTI 1 question I still have about RTI