A little Something About Mr. Belter
Qualifications: 2010 BA in History
TAUGHT: 8th Grade U. S. History and World Geography TAUGHT: 8th Grade U.S. History and World Geography. and certified to teach Oklahoma History, Economics, Government, United States History, World History
I was born in:
The Year I Was Born: Average Annual Income: $8550.00 New Car Cost $3270.00 Gas Cost 35 cents Minimum Wage $1.30 Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl II Robert Kennedy and MLK Jr. Assassinated U.S. goes off the Gold Standard 60 Minutes Television show premieres
President when I was Born
On Television 1969
My Family: I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters
My Family
Historical events of the 1970s 1970 beatles break up, floppy disk invented, kent state shootings. 1971 vcrs invented. 1972 MASH premiers, pocket calculators invented, terrorism at the Munich Olympics. 1974 nixon resigns, post it notes invented. 1975 arthru ashe wins wimbleton first black man to do that, microsoft founded. 1976 Nadi Comaneci scores 7 perfect tens at olympics. 1977 elvis found died, cell phones invented,roots airs, star wars released 1978 first test tube baby, John Paul II pope. 1979 Iran takes US hostages, Mother Teresa wins Nobel Peace Prize, walkman introduced by Sony.
High School: Graduated 1986
The Year I Married: 1987 Average Annual Income: $24,350.00 New Car Cost $10,350 Gas Cost 89 cents Minimum Wage $3.35 First disposable contact lenses Anti-AIDS drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration - AZT
President When I Got Married
The Year I Married:
Historical events of the 1980s 1980 John Jennon killed, pac man released, Rubiks cube popular. 1981 Reagan assassination attempt, Sandra Day Oconnor first woman on supreme court, Prince Charles and Diana Spencer marry millions watch, AIDS identified. 1982 – thriller released. 1983 Cabbage Patch kids become popular, Sally Ride first woman astronaut. 1984 PG 13 created. 1985 Titanic wreck found. 1986 Challenger explodes with school teacher on it, Russia launches the smir space station. 1987 DNA used to convict crimnal for first time. 1989 berlin wall falls, exxon valdex spills millions of gallons of oil near alaskan coastline
On Television 1987
Lived from 1987 to 1989
Addition: Stephanie 5lbs 11 oz
Stephanie NOW
The Year Stephanie Was Born Average Annual Income: $24,450.00 New Car Cost $10,400.00 Gas Cost 91 cents Minimum Wage $3.35 Iran-Iraq War Ends Hubble Space Telescope First Computer Virus
President Elected When Stephanie was Born
On Television 1988
Historical events of the 1990s 1990 nelson mandela freed. 1991 soviet union collapse, desert storm. 1992 riots in LA after Rodney King verdict. 1993 Cult Compound in Waco Texas raided. 1994 Channel Tunnel opens connecting Britain and france, OJ Simpson arrested and later (1995) found not guilty. 1995 OKC bombing. 1996 unabomber arrested. 1997 Hong Kong returns to na, Princess Di killed in car accident in France, Dollyteh she cloned Tigger Wodds wins Masters. 1998 Titanic released Clinton impeached. 1999 Fear of y2k, JFL Jr dies with wife in plane crash, kiling spree in Columbine high school, Panama Canal returns to Panama
Addition: Tiffany 7 lbs 0 ozs
Tiffany NOW
The Year Tiffany Was Born Average Annual Income: $31,230.00 New Car Cost $12,750.00 Gas Cost $1.16 Minimum Wage $4.25 First Beanie Babies introduced World Wide Web “born” Waco Religious Cult
President When Tiffany Was Born
On Television 1993
Lived from 1995 to 1998
Places I Have Been:
Historical events of the 2000s USS Cole bombed – terrorist act, election Florida issue. 2001 NCLB education bill, september 11 killing nearly 3000 and injuring over 6000, War on Terror Operation Enduring Freedom, 2002 DC Sniper 10 killed 3 injured 2003 Columbia space shuttle disintegrated , Iraq invasion WMD (not), facebook, Saddam Hussein captured. 2005 Hurricane Katrina killed at least 1836 and caused $81 billion in damage. 2008 Obama runs and wins the Presidency of the US. 2009 Micheal jackson dies. 2011 bin Laden captured space shuttle program completed.
Grand Addition: Kenneth 2 lbs 5 ozs
The Year Kenneth Was Born Average Annual Income: $50,233.00 New Car Cost $15,000 Gas Cost $2.79 Minimum Wage $5.85 Virginia Tech Shooting Iphone introduced Nancy Pelosi first female Speaker of the House Final Harry Potter Book released
President When Kenneth Was Born
On Television 2007
The LOVE of My Life
Stephanie’s Family
My Girls