Background information... Developed in the second half of the 20th century Developed to seperate sex and gender from class Feminist Theories= view of woman Reaction to gender biases in sociology
Helpful definitions ANDROCENTRICTY: bias that assumes male experience is human experience and therefore also applies to woman DOUBLE STANDARDS: biases that apply different standards for evaluating the behaviour of men and woman
BASICALLY... Feminist theories argue that change is required so that the needs of ALL people are met Feminist theories are an attempt to explain social inequalities between men and woman, from a female perspective
Types of feminism: LIBERAL All people are created equal Faith in rationality Education is means to change EQUALITY THROUGH LAW American Writer, Betty Friedan describes feminism as a theory of human rights and liberal feminists try to change social policy through political means
SOCIAL Women's oppression caused by their economic dependence Integrate issues of gender and class Inferior position of women linked to class- based capitalistic system and family structure within this system Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism WOMAN ARE WORKING AND DUE TO THEIR GENDER, ARE GETTING UNFAIR OR NO PAY
RaDICAL Sexism is at the core of patriarchy especially in the family Male domination is the problem Create institutions for women Total restructuring of society Violence against women (rape, sexual harassment, incest, pornography and domestic violence) are focus issues
POSTMODERN All women are different Can never generalize A feminist theory is not possible
MULTICULTURAL/GLOBAL Recognizing all other differences not just gender Focuses on inclusion of oppressions based on gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality and age Intersection of gender with race, class and issues of colonization and exploitation of women in developing world