Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY


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Presentation transcript:

Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY The War of 1812 Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

America's Second War for Independence?

Causes of the War This will be your left panel…

1. British Armed the Indians British General Brock Meets with Tecumseh

Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811 General William Henry Harrison  governor of the Indiana Territory. Tecumseh organized a confederacy of Indian tribes to fight for their homelands. Tecumseh’s brother fought against Harrison and was defeated at Tippecanoe. This made Harrison a national hero! [1840 election  Tippecanoe & Tyler, too!]

2. “War Hawks” John C. Calhoun [SC] Henry Clay [KY] Mostly southerners/westerners. They wanted to invade Canada/Florida, and remove the Indians out of the frontier region.

3. Impressment 1808-1811  Britain impressed over 6,000 American sailors.

4. Trade Issues with Britain- The Embargo Act (1807) the “OGRABME” Turtle

The Non-Intercourse Act (1809) Replaced the Embargo Act. Remained U. S. policy until 1812. Unexpected Consequences: N. Eng. was forced to become self-sufficient again [old factories reopened]. Laid the groundwork for US industrial power. Jefferson, a critic of an industrial America, ironically contributed to Hamilton’s view of the US!

5. Honor American leaders had to prove that their experiment in republicanism could work! They could not make both France and Britain happy without economic problems or embarrassment.

Now turn to your Middle Panel. Title it “Three Major Theaters of Fighting”

3 pronged U. S. Invasions of Canada (1812) failed… 1. Old Northwest 3 pronged U. S. Invasions of Canada (1812) failed… Naval forces did much better- Oliver Hazard Perry’s forces defeat British at Battle of Thames

2. Chesapeake British invaded Washington DC, burning White House, Capitol, and other gov. buildings British 25 hr bombardment of Ft. McHenry in Baltimore. Inspired “Star Spangled Banner”

3. New Orleans Colonel Andrew Jackson becomes a national hero Battle of New Orleans (1814)- Biggest US victory of the war. In 30 minutes 2000 British wounded/dead, only 75 American.

Right Panel- Effects of the War Rise of nationalism= Era of Good Feelings Republic showed it would fight against wrongdoing New international respect for America Reaffirmed independence from Britain Sectionalism seen as a negative Manufacturing jump started Andrew Jackson=American Hero

Back Panel- Thesis Explain the major causes leading to the War of 1812 X = least important cause A, B = most important causes Y = the major causes of the War of 1812 were(political/economic/related to migration)