The Victorian Period: Paradox and Progress 1832-1901
Peace and Economic Growth Industrial Revolution _________, creating new towns, new goods, new ________, and new ______ for many _________ reforms gave working and middle class citizens more ________ power
The Idea of Progress Middle-class Victorian attitude – progress largely means _________ improvement that can be _________ and touched, _________ and measured
The Hungry Forties Came to throne during a _________ _____ working conditions -- _________ kids The _________ famine -- caused many _______ to emigrate to England, increasing ________ _________ and filth -- Thames River
The Movement for Reform _________ in diet – price of food _________ The Reform Bills – gave the right to ____ to almost all adult _____; _______ child labor; reduced _____ in the working day; state-supported _______ were established, rising the ______ rate
Decorum and Prudery Publishers deleted or _________ words and episodes that could _________ ladies Sex, _________, and _________ were softened People were arrested for distributing information about _________
Authoritarian Values Uneasy about giving strong _________ to a central government Women were subject to _________ authority Women who didn’t marry had few jobs available – _________ (working class); governesses or _________ (middle class)
Intellectual Progress & Science Worked out the history of the earth in _________ and _________ Evolution of species theories Believed the world offered a challenging set of problems that could be understood by human _________ and solved by _________, government, and other human institutions
Questions and Doubts Can _________ comfort fully satisfy human needs and wishes? Cost of _________ the earth and human beings to achieve _________ Codes of _________ and authority Understanding of the universe
Trust/Skepticism in the Transcendental Younger writers found it difficult to believe in an _________ power and order that made sense of material and human existence Some believed there was no _________; others that existence was not governed by a _________ intelligence that _________ for its creatures