Main Characters John Worthing / “Jack” Algernon Moncrieff Goes by “Ernest” in the city In love with Gwendolen Guardian of Cecily Claims to go visit his brother, “Ernest” when he leaves the country John Worthing / “Jack” Claims to visit a sick friend named “Bunbury” in the country to avoid obligations in the city Nephew of Lady Bracknell Eats constantly and cares about wardrobe Algernon Moncrieff
Main Characters Lady Bracknell Gwendolen Fairfax Algernon’s Aunt Augusta Mother of Gwendolen Embodiment of Victorian rules and manners Lady Bracknell Daughter of Lady Bracknell Proposed to by Jack (as Ernest) Bossed around by Lady Bracknell Gwendolen Fairfax
Main Characters Cecily Cardew Miss Prism 18 yr-old ward of Jack Lives at Jack’s country house Infatuated with Jack’s “brother,” Ernest Naïve daydreamer Cecily Cardew Cecily’s governess Hidden past Pursued by Dr. Chausible Referred to as being “unattractive” Miss Prism
Main Characters Dr. Chasuble Lane Merriman Clergyman In love with Miss Prism Rewrites the same sermon for all occasions Dr. Chasuble Manservant of Algernon Tolerant of Algy’s schemes Lane Butler of Jack Less involved in deceptions than Lane Merriman
What do the following epigrams mean? Any witty, ingenious, or pointed saying that can be expressed outside the context of its source material and still be understood. What do the following epigrams mean?
“Women never marry the men they flirt with.” Algy
“In marriage three is company, two is none.” Algy
“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does; that is his.” Algy
“The truth is rarely pure and never simple “The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibility!” Algy
“More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn’t read.” Algy
“Of course the music is a great difficulty “Of course the music is a great difficulty. You see, if one plays good music, people don't listen, and if one plays bad music, people don't talk.” Algy
"To lose one parent may be regarded as misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
"The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty, and to someone else if she is plain…"
"You don't seem to realize, that in married life three is company and two is none."
"How long you have been about it "How long you have been about it! I am afraid you have had very little experience in how to propose."
"To speak frankly, I am not in favor of long engagements "To speak frankly, I am not in favor of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable."
"That is strange. Were I fortunate enough to be Miss Prism's pupil, I would hang upon her lips." Dr. Chausable
"Well, I can't eat muffins in an agitated manner "Well, I can't eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs. One should always eat muffins quite calmly."
"Worn out by your entire ignorance of my existence, I determined to end the matter one way or the other, and after a long struggle with myself I accepted you under this dear old tree here."
"I can produce the handbag at any moment "I can produce the handbag at any moment. It is in my dressing-room at home. I really think that should satisfy you."
"I don't think you should tell me that you love me wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly. Hopelessly doesn't make much sense, does it?"