Welcome – Bienvenue à l’amphithéatre de l’Université St Paul!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome – Bienvenue à l’amphithéatre de l’Université St Paul! Setting our Context / Définir notre contexte Introducing our Panel / Présentation de notre panel Questions , Comments / Commentaires Discussion, Solutions & Priorities / Priorités Debrief – Key Directions clés Recap, Next Steps / Récapitulation, prochaines étapes Panel and Roundtable on State of FSL Teacher Supply in Canada Moderator – Nicole Thibault, Executive Director, Canadian Parents for French, National Speak in the language of your choice / short time – update on what’s going

CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH Champions of official languages and bilingualism for more than 40 years. Nationwide, Volunteer Network - the voice of 25,000 members across Canada. Focus on Youth; Members, Parents and Volunteers; and Canadian Decision Makers. 4 Network Public Policy Position Statements: Universal Access Effective Programs Recognized Proficiency Levels Leadership Accountability CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH

SETTING OUR CONTEXT / DÉFINIR NOTRE CONTEXTE ‘Action Plan for Official Languages Investing in Our Future 2018 – 2023’ Objective to increase the bilingualism rate of the Canadian population to 20% (from the existing 17.9%) by 2036. Canada saw a 52% increase in French immersion enrolment between 2003 and 2013. As a common roadblock to FSL programming is the lack of qualified teachers, an investment of $31.29 million in recruiting and retaining teachers for French immersion and French as a second language was announced. How will these funds be rolled out? SETTING OUR CONTEXT / DÉFINIR NOTRE CONTEXTE

SETTING OUR CONTEXT / DÉFINIR NOTRE CONTEXTE ‘CPF Network Teacher Supply and Demand White Paper’ circulated for input in October 2017. Main Challenges Identified Major Stakeholders with Areas of Responsibilities Today – Expand on the Possible Calls to Action Update the ‘CPF Network White Paper’ for distribution in Summer 2018. SETTING OUR CONTEXT / DÉFINIR NOTRE CONTEXTE

MAIN CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED / PRINCIPAUX DÉFIS IDENTIFIÉS FSL graduates are often unaware of the demand for and attractions of becoming a FSL teacher. Too small a population of French-speakers outside of Quebec to meet current demand for French second language teachers. Too few FSL teacher candidate spaces in some faculties of education to meet current demand. Too few applicants to fill the spaces in others. Too few post-secondary students meet the French-language proficiency requirements of FSL teacher education programs. Too few FSL teacher education graduates are relocating within or outside of their home provinces. FSL teachers move to English programs in response to often difficult working conditions. There is a lack of information about the extent and location of FSL teacher supply and demand problems. FSL education not a demonstrated priority by provincial/territorial governments and school boards / districts. MAIN CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED / PRINCIPAUX DÉFIS IDENTIFIÉS

Government of Canada  (Canadian Heritage, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Statistics Canada, etc.) Council of Ministers of Education, Canada Official Languages in Education Protocol (OLEP) Ministries of Education Faculties of Education Post-secondary Institutions School Districts / Boards FSL Stakeholder Organizations (national or provincial associations; regulatory bodies; professional / community lead organizations; networking groups) STAKEHOLDERS with AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY / INTERVENANTS et DOMAINES DE RESPONSABILITÉ

5 Panelists Chantal Bourbonnais / Rapport final : consultation pancanadienne Association canadienne des professionnels de l’Immersion (ACPI) Mimi Masson / Study on Supply and demand of French as a second language (FSL) teachers in Canada Commissioned by OCOL, report not yet released Lynn Brouillette / Mise à jour lettre d’intention pour favoriser la mobilité des étudiants et diplômés entre le Canada et la France Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC) Judith Nyman / Findings of the Ontario Labour Market Partnership Project Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, report not yet released Wendy Carr / Update on initiatives in the West / BC , Ministry of Education and UBC / Vice President, CPF National Board of Directors FINDINGS, INITIATIVES, CALLS TO ACTION / CONSTATATIONS, INITIATIVES, APPELS À L'ACTION

FURTHER COMMENTS QUESTIONS AUTRES COMMENTAIRES Further Comments or Questions from Participants Transition to Teaching Report, Ontario College of Teachers / Michael Salvatori, CEO and Registrar FURTHER COMMENTS QUESTIONS AUTRES COMMENTAIRES

TABLE DISCUSSIONS / DISCUSSIONS DE TABLE 3 Priority Areas to Consider Recruitment of Candidates to FSL Teacher Training / Education Recruitment / Mobility / Hiring of FSL Teachers Retention / Continuing Education of FSL Teachers PROCESS Break into 5 Table Talk Groups - Classroom # G1130 30 minutes – 10 minutes per priority area (timekeeper will signal) Identify 3 pathways for impact in each priority area (recorder will assist at each table) Assign one reporter per table Will sign off web for 30 minutes and return promptly for conclusion. TABLE DISCUSSIONS / DISCUSSIONS DE TABLE

One reporter per table – 3 key ideas to recommend Additional considerations or challenges identified Web Participants’ input WHOLE GROUP DEBRIEF / WEB COMMENTS / DEBRIEF de GROUPE / COMMENTAIRES WEB

OUR CPF COMMITMENT / NOTRE ENGAGEMENT Increasing the number of bilingual Canadians, by supporting clearly targeted investments: Opportunities to enhance the promotion of a bilingual Canada. Promotion of Universal Access to quality FSL programs. Enhance FSL Teacher Supply and Support Student & Teacher Mobility. Recognized Proficiency Levels. Increase Leadership Accountability. OUR CPF COMMITMENT / NOTRE ENGAGEMENT

CONCLUSIONNEXT STEPS THANKS / CONCLUSIONS ÉTAPES SUIVANTES MERCI Logistics to access recordings and notes - CPF National website, cpf.ca Email will be circulated to all registered participants in early June CPF White Paper Update – end of June / early July 2018 PCH meetings for roll out will begin summer 2018 / Project applications - summer into fall 2018. Next CPF Event: Launch of State of FSL Education in Canada report, Focus on FSL Teachers, on October 19th, 2018 in Halifax. Thanks - Nancy McKeraghan, CPF National President on behalf of the CPF Network Informal Reception in the Atrium CONCLUSIONNEXT STEPS THANKS / CONCLUSIONS ÉTAPES SUIVANTES MERCI